52 Votes in Poll
These are just the endings I've see being discussed the most. If you have a different ending you prefer more, you're free to share.
52 Votes in Poll
I'm pretty sure he did. Based on what we see Emilia do in the Frozen Bond OVA, it's safe to say Puck was the one who taught her how to fight.
I know I'm late but this needs to be said. I think that Arcs 7 & 8 are extremely underrated. After I finished Arc 6, I thought it was virtually impossible for Tappei to find a way to develop Subaru past this point without it being too derivative of past arcs, but I was so wrong. While Arc 6 is a reaffirmation of everything Subaru has become, these two arcs serve to examine the very foundations of the principles that got Subaru to this point. It builds upon themes from previous arcs even better than Arc 6 in my opinion. The change in setting not only greatly expands the series's worldbuilding and introduces a brand new cast of fun and fascinating characters, but also serves as the perfect device to both show how far Subaru has grown and how far Subaru still has left to go. Arc 8 may not be completed yet but the story Tappei's been setting up is seemingly shaping up to be one of my all time favorites.
Regulus vs Saitama. The immoveable object meets the unstoppable force.
81 Votes in Poll
Either Lust or Gluttony
The majority of people don't hate her, but those who do like to paint her as some sadistic shrew who murdered/hurt Subaru for no reason, specifically in the cases of Arc 2 & 7. This is due to people failing to take into account her perspective on both situations. When looking at her actions from her perspective, they're far more understandable than detractors make them out to be. Rem isn't some "sadistic manipulative psychopath"; she's a kind, nurturing person who thinks too little of herself and can sometimes be a bit overly protective of the people she cares about.
I understand how people can be protective of Subaru due to how much he suffers, but I feel it's important to also take into account the perspectives of other characters as well as how Subaru's actions can effect how they behave. Because many people failed to do this, their view on the characters that surround him are often rather warped compared to how they actually are.
ok Louis
Emilia's backstory was great. It went from cute and wholesome to dark and tragic real quick.