Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu Soundtrack - muzyka z anime Re:Zero wydanego w 2016 roku.
Nr | Tytuł | Długość |
1 | Rondo of Love and Darkness (愛と漆黒の輪舞曲) | 3:49 |
2 | Hero's Takt -Origin- (英雄のタクト - 起源 -) | 2:54 |
3 | Hymn of Despair and Atonement (絶望と贖罪のヒュムネ) | 3:11 |
4 | Dragon Kingdom Lugnica (親竜王国ルグニカ) | 2:44 |
5 | Different Dimension March (異世界行進曲) | 1:59 |
6 | Memories of Time and Sky (時と空の想い出) | 2:06 |
7 | Walking Path of Whistles and Creation (笛と創造の散歩道) | 2:33 |
8 | Re:Verse | 2:05 |
9 | Sound of Determination (決意の心音) | 2:05 |
10 | Fantasy Lied (幻想リート) | 3:42 |
11 | Echt of Sorrow (哀しみのエヒト) | 3:51 |
12 | Chains of Memory (記憶の鎖) | 3:32 |
13 | Roar of Malice (悪意の咆哮) | 2:57 |
14 | Sloth (怠惰) | 2:05 |
15 | The Witch's Call (魔女の呼び声) | 2:47 |
16 | Activation of Fate (運命の起動) | 2:24 |
17 | Requiem of Silence (沈黙のレクイエム) | 7:04 |
18 | Death Ballet | 2:47 |
19 | Waltz of Rage (激昂の円舞) | 2:12 |
20 | Prelude to the Final Battle (決戦の序曲) | 3:01 |
21 | Wish of the Stars (星の願い) | 3:33 |
Muzyka - Nawigacja | |||
Openingi | Redo • Paradisus-Paradoxum | ||
Endingi | STYX HELIX • Stay Alive | ||
Insert Songi | STRAIGHT BET • Bouya no Yume yo • Theater D • Wishing | ||
Płyty Soundtrack | Re:Zero Original Soundtrack |