Re:Zero Wiki

A page explaining the various terms used in the context of the Re:Zero universe.


ReZero world map

Official World map of the Re:Zero universe.

Dragon Kingdom of Lugunica

The Dragon Kingdom of Lugunica (ルグニカ王国) is the country where the first six arcs of the main story take place.

See Kingdom of Lugunica for more info.

  • Lugunica (ルグニカ) The Kingdom's Royal Capital.
    • Royal Lugunica Castle (ルグニカ王城)
    • Knights’ Garrison (騎士団詰所)
    • Prison Tower (監獄塔)
    • Magic Research Institute (魔法の研究機関)
    • Kingdom Cemetary (王国墓地)
    • Royal Treatment Center (王立治療院)
    • Stolen Goods Warehouse (盗品蔵)
  • Priestella (プリステラ) One of the Five Great Cities.
    • Tigracy River (ティグラシー大河)
    • The Great Temple (大神殿)
  • Picoutatte (ピックタット) One of the Five Great Cities.
  • Costuul (コスツール) One of the Five Great Cities.
  • Flanders (フランダース) One of the Five Great Cities.
    • Hyclara Plateau (ハイクララ高原)
    • Forest of the Elves (エルフの森)
  • Ganacks (ガナクス) One of the Five Great Cities.
    • Gina Mountain Range (ギナ山脈)
  • Elior Forest (エリオール大森林)
  • Hakuchuri (ハクチュリ)
    • Astrea Manor (アストレア邸)
  • Lifaus Plain (リーファウス平原)
    • Flugel's Tree (フリューゲルの大樹)
    • Lifaus Highway (リーファウス平原)
  • Pappelt (パッペルト)
  • Mill Gray (ミルグレー)
  • Bonobo (ボノボ)
  • Krufuna (クルフナ)
  • Ladrima (ラドリマ)
  • Coffleton (カッフルトン)
  • Agante (アガンテ)
  • Abiate (アビエイト)
  • Redonas Plateau (レドナス台地)
  • Roswaal Manor (ロズワール邸)
  • Arlam Village (アーラム村)
  • Hanumas (ハヌマス)
  • Cramlin (クラムリン)
  • Karsten Ducal Estate (カルステン公爵邸)
  • Barielle Baronal Estate (バーリエル男爵邸)
  • The Lost Forest of Kremaldy (クレマルディ)
  • Castour Field (カスツール平原)
  • Aihiya Swamp (アイヒア湿地帯)
  • Shamrock Valley (シャムロック渓谷)
    • Sphinx's Testing Grounds (スピンクスの実験場)
    • Everlasting Darkness (常闇)
  • Augria Sand Dunes (アウグリア砂丘)
    • Mirula (ミルーラ)
    • Pleiades Watchtower (プレアデス監視塔)
    • Evil Sealing Stone Shrine (封魔石の祠)

Sacred Vollachia Empire

The Sacred Vollachia Empire (神聖ヴォラキア帝国) is the neighbouring country south of the Kingdom of Lugunica, which shares hostile relations with the Kingdom. It is the nation where Arc 7 and Arc 8 of the main story take place.

See Vollachia Empire for more info.

  • Lupugana (ルプガナ)
    • Crystal Palace (水晶宮)
    • Berstetz's Mansion (ベルステツの邸宅)
  • Ginunhive (ギヌンハイブ)
  • Garkla (ガークラ)
  • Gairahal Tropics (ガイラハル温帯)
  • Buddheim Jungle (バドハイム密林)
    • Buddheim (バドハイム)
    • Nameless Graveyard (名も無き墓所)
    • Shudrak Village
  • Gariu Heights (ガリウ高地)
  • Mezoreia (メゾレイア)
  • Glarasia (グララシア)
  • Guaral (グァラル)
  • Faradar (ファラダー)
  • Mount Gildray (ギルドレイ山)
  • Godraidh Waterfall (ゴドレード瀑布)
  • Lake Penelope (ペネロープ湖)
  • Chaosflame (カオスフレーム)
  • Crau-Crown Grasslands (クラウクラウン草原)
  • Averyk (エイブリーク)

Kararagi City-States

The Kararagi City-States (カララギ都市国家) are city-states under one geographical union and make up the neighboring country west of the Kingdom of Lugunica. It appears to share slightly positive trade-based relations with the Kingdom of Lugunica.

See Kararagi for more info.

  • Kyo (キョウ) The first city of Kararagi
  • Banan (バナン) The second city of Kararagi.
  • Ivada (イヴァド) The third city of Kararagi.
  • Fusumi (フスミ) The fourth city of Kararagi.
  • Outou (オウトウ) The fifth city of Kararagi.
  • Azamiki (アザミキ) The sixth city of Kararagi.
  • Tenmitsu (テンミツ) The seventh city of Kararagi.
  • Free Trade Metropolitan Area (自由交易都市群)
  • Magolya Plateau (マゴーリア高原)
    • Grand Mogolade Geyser (モゴレード大噴口)
  • The Crimson Hills Girall (ギラル赤丘)
  • Zarestia's Bed (ザーレスティアの寝床)
  • Albis River (アルビス河)
  • Cragrell Moving Forest (クラグレル移動林)

Holy Kingdom of Gusteko

The Holy Kingdom of Gusteko (グステコ聖王国) is the neighbouring country north of the Kingdom of Lugunica. It is governed by the Gustekan Church.

See Gusteko for more info.

  • Glacia (グレイシア)
  • Sacred Mountain Pardochia (霊峰パルドキア)
  • Inorandum (イノランダム)
  • Eternia (エターニャ)
  • Albis (アルビス)
  • Drisstay (ディリステイ)
  • Zesperga (ゼスペルガ)
  • Vast Eder Snowfield (エーデル大雪原)
  • Sacred Mountain Kanai (カナイ霊山)
  • Great Sibarell Glacier (シバレル大氷河)
  • Albis River (アルビス河)
  • High Virga Mountains (ビルガ高山脈)
  • Jimuna Volcano (ジムナ火炎山)
  • Orcos Domain (オルコス領)
  • Kenash Domain (ケナシュ領)
  • Tekran Ravine (テクラン峡谷)
  • Leanotte (レイアノット)
  • Vault of Sacraments (秘蹟保管庫)


This section is for locations which have not yet been classified under any of the Four Great Nations or other smaller nations.

  • Carnattse (カルナッツ): A town that was home to Toska, his older brother, and Remina.
  • Shatzbort (シャッツボート): A large nation of old that fell in a great war several hundreds of years ago when it was captured through tactics and collapsed without being able to retaliate. Its name and legacy are remembered in the present through its usage as a substitute for the term "checkmate" in the game of Shatranj.
  • Regulus' Mansion: The mansion where Regulus and his wives resided at.

Historical Context

  • Note: The characters within the story rarely describe historical events within helpful context, so the unit BA, “Before Arrival”, and AA, “After Arrival”, will be used to place moments in time with the best available knowledge. Both are in reference to Natsuki Subaru’s arrival in the world. In this case, only BA will be used. Also, note that the units are not official.

Great Calamity (大災厄 Daisaiyaku): The Great Calamity is a critical event in the Re: Zero world that occurs approximately 400 BA, or 400 years before Natsuki Subaru is summoned to the new world, in which the Witch of Envy first appears. Her rampage results in her almost destroying the world and is subsequently fought and sealed by the Sage, the first Sword Saint, and the Dragon. See Great Calamity for a more detailed explanation of the event.

Demi-Human War (亜人戦争 Ahito Sensō): The Demi-Human War is a term used to describe the largest civil conflict between Demi-Humans and Humans within the Dragon Kingdom of Lugunica, taking place from 50 to 41 BA. The conflict resulted in the human victory, in no small part due to the combined efforts of the Zellgef Squadron and the Sword Saint of the era. See Demi-Human War for a more detailed explanation of the event.

The Silver Flower Dance of Picoutatte (銀華乱舞):

Re Zero Ex Volume 3 11

Wilhelm van Astrea vs Kurgan.

Two notable duels taking place in the city of Picoutatte between the Sword Demon Wilhelm van Astrea and Vollachia's strongest warrior, Eight-Arms Kurgan, roughly four decades before the start of the main series. During their first duel, both of the men were fighting on behalf of their respective countries–Wilhelm fought for the Dragon Kingdom of Lugunica, and Kurgan fought for the Sacred Vollachia Empire. The duel ended in a draw, as Stride Vollachia intervened in the fight after Kurgan shattered Wilhelm's right half of his body, and Wilhelm cut off one of Kurgan's arm;Stride did not want to lose his bodyguard just yet. Their second duel took place roughly 3–4 months after their initial duel, in the very same city. This time, however, the duel ended with Wilhelm destroying one of Kurgan's four Demon Cleavers and inflicted mortal wounds all over his chest, leaving him to bleed out–which he would have, if the Divine Dragon wouldn't heal him, after ascending upon the city.

Subjugation of the Blight Dragon (邪龍討滅戦):

Re Zero Tanpenshuu Volume 1 5

Liliana singing about the Subjugation of the Blight Dragon.

An event, taking place roughly a year after the end of the Demi-Human War and 3–4 months after the first Silver Flower Dance of Picoutatte. It is widely regarded as one of the worst days in the Kingdom's history. On one faitful day, Stride Vollachia, along with his subordinates–two Shinobi, Twin Shura, the sole survivor of the Evil Eye Tribe, Ashen Bride and the Vollachia's strongest warrior, Eight Arms–and the kidnapped Sword Saint, made his appearance in one of the Five Great Cities, Picoutatte. They kidnapped and killed twenty civilians who bore a Divine Protection and summoned the Black Dragon Valgren. During the nighmarish battle, hundreds of civilians and soldiers from the Subjugation Squad lost their lives and the majority of the city was utterly destroyed. At the end, the Kingdom managed to break the Magical Circles preventing any distubrance with the outside world. In accordance to his covenant with the Dragon Kingdom of Lugunica, the Diving Dragon descended over Picoutatte, purifying Valgren into nothing more than a pile of ash, healing the numerous wounded and exstiquishing the fires burning throughout the city. Despite the gravity of the attack, the casualities were less than a third of what they anticipated. See Subjugation of the Blight Dragon for a more detailed description of the event.

The Day of Red Earth and Sky (天地赤日):

Melakuera VS Puck

Puck and Melakuera fighting in the Elior Forest.

Seven years before the main story, Puck unfroze Emilia from the ice she was imprisoned in. It was only a half year later in 6 BA when Melakuera, the Great Spirit of Fire, came in contact with the former two, and acted in accordance with his beliefs. Stating that Emilia was a threat to the equilibrium of the world, Melakuera decided to exterminate her due to being a "Witch". However, Puck couldn't allow the former to happen, thus he decided to fight him. Ultimately, Elior Forest became the battleground of Melakuera and Puck's clash, with the latter being the victor of that battle. That day became infamously known across Lugunica as the "Day of Red Earth and Sky". See Re:Zero Prequel: Bonds of Ice for a more detailed description of the event.

The Royal Abduction Incident (王族誘拐事件): The Royal Abduction Incident[1] is a term that describes a significant event taking place 14 years before the events of Arc 1. A supposed group of kidnappers were claimed to have snuck into the Royal Castle and abducted Ford Lugunica's daughter. A large scale search led by the Captain of the Royal Guard Wilhelm van Astrea had spawned, however, the child was never retrieved. According to rumours, the Vice Captain of the Royal Guard Heinkel Astrea was involved with the incident, apparently even allowing the intruders to escape with the little girl. While not outright confirmed, it's heavily implied by knowledgeable individuals such as Reinhard and Miklotov that Felt might very well be the missing child, as she is as old as the kidnapped girl would've been, shares the trademark appearance of the members of the Royal Family, and has a name she doesn't know about.

The Great Conquest (大征伐): The Great Conquest is a term used for the first Hakugei hunt led by the previous Sword Saint Theresia van Astrea, in 14 BA. Though it was originally supposed to be lead by the Royal Guard's Vice Captain Heinkel Astrea, the leadership was granted to his mother Theresia, after Heinkel had outright refused to lead the subjugation and recommended his mother to do the job instead of him, despite Theresia putting away her sword for good and vowing not to use it ever again. As expected, the subjugation ended disastrously, as the vast majority of the Royal Knights had been slain, including Theresia, who had lost her Divine Protection of the Sword Saint mid-battle. What most do not know, however, is the involvement of a mysterious figure who sided with the Hakugei and attacked the Royal Knights and the Sword Saint–the Witch of Vainglory. Immediately following the loss of her Divine Protection of the Sword Saint, Theresia encountered the lone girl amongst the mist. Sensing danger, she sprung into battle, but subsequently died off-screen. It's heavily implied Pandora is somehow connected to Theresia's demise.

The Silver Flower Dance of the Sword Saint and the Lightning (剣聖と雷光の銀華乱舞):

Re Zero Ex Volume 4 3

Reinhard van Astrea vs Cecilus Segmunt.

A duel between Lugunica's Sword Saint Reinhard van Astrea and Vollachia's 1st ranking Divine General Cecilus Segmunt. Roughly half a year before the start of the Royal Selection, Vollachia's strongest individual Cecilus Segmunt uninvitely showed up in the Royal Capital of the Dragon Kingdom of Lugunica, in search of the Sword Saint, requesting a rematch. The duo were allowed to have a proxy duel with both of them representing their respective countries. In front of the Training Ground Arena chalk-full of knights, Reinhard drew the Dragon Sword Reid for the 3rd time in his life. Both survived the duel and the match was declared a draw.[2]

The Hunt for the Hakugei:

Re Zero Light Novel 7 1

The troops marching forward against the Hakugei.

Roughly a week after the Royal Selection Ceremony, Emilia Camp successfully formed a temporary alliance with Crusch Camp, by offering Crusch valuable information–the Demon Beast's exact time of appearance–in exchange for their help in defeating the Hakugei. With the help of Russell Fellow and Anastasia Hoshin, a subjugation group consisting of Karsten's private army, old Zellgef Squadron veterans, the Sword Demon, Iron Fang members, Rem and Subaru, departed towards Liphaus Highway. There, the army engaged with the Hakugei at 3:30pm (which doesn't corelate to the new world's time, as the clock stopped working properly once Subaru was summoned to the new world). The battle ended in triumph, after Wilhelm van Astrea had delivered the finishing blow, finally avenging his deceased wife which had been taken from him from that same beast, 14 years prior.

The Subjugation of Sloth:

Re Zero Light Novel 9 1

Julius and Subaru taking on the Sin Archbishop of Sloth.

Roughly a week following the Royal Selection Ceremony and mere hours after the successful Hunt for the Hakugei, a group of fighters consisting of the same people that were present during the Hunt for the Hakugei plus new reinforcements consisting of Julius Juukulius and unnamed members of the Iron Fang departed towards the Mathers Domain, where the Witch Cult led by the Sin Archbishop of Sloth Petelgeuse Romanée-Conti was said to slaughter Arlam Village and Roswaal Manor. After having successfuly evacuated the villagers and Emilia, the team of subjugators managed to engage with the Witch Cultists and their leader, promptly defeating them. The fight wasn't over yet, though; following Sloth's defeat, the subjugation force learned of a cart that was rigged with a large quantity of Fire magic stones set to explode and wipe out the entire convoy in a blink of an eye. Subaru – with the help of Otto Suwen – managed to catch up with the convoy and dispose of the Fire magic stones in the headless corpse of the Hakugei, but not before battling the bloodlustful Evil Spirit of the Sin Archbishop Petelgeuse who refused to die, setting him on fire and crushing him underneath the cart's wheels. The result of the Sloth Subjugation Battle was a total victory over the Witch Cult, with no casualities taken on the Subjugation Squad's side.

Races and Clans/Tribes

Elf (エルフ): Elves are a race of Demi-Humans known for their longevity and beauty. Because of the Witch of Envy, Elves were also the target of prejudice from others. Currently, the only known elven community to appear in the story are frozen in the Great Elior Forest.

Oni Clan (鬼族): Among the numerous humanoid races that existed in the world, the Oni Clan were considered the mightiest. Their powerful bodies and the potency of the mana quality they employed, both granted the Oni peerless combat strength. However, as the members of the race had a elitist mindset, in order to preserve their purity and pride, enacted strict taboos and lived in villages in the mountains, away from others. Accordingly, the number of Oni was always low. The few Oni settlements tended to be small rural villages located in mountain ranges that adhered to a strong Social Darwinist and isolationist way of life. The only visible physical difference between a Oni and Human were a pair of long curved-horns that sprouted from the forehead of an Oni, when their lives were in danger. The horns would absorb mana from the atmosphere, greatly increasing an Oni's physical and magical capabilities. Twin demons were usually only born with one smaller horn each, thus making them weaker than their two-horned kin. There do exist those with only one or even no horns the latter which are known as Hornless, and were considered the dregs of their society because of it. Moreover, Oni born that way were to be killed by tradition to protect the Oni pride as a powerful and nearly perfect species. The village Ram and Rem lived in 10 years prior to the main story was the last Oni village, effectively making them some of the few Oni left alive in the entire world. Roswaal remarked that the Oni's demise was because of natural selection, as they refused to accept new ideas and not because of discrimination or prejudice.

Giant (巨人): Giants are a Demi-Human race of massive people with tremendous strength and a lifespan of around 150 years. They fought in various places during wartime and because of that their numbers dwindled. The only known Giant in the Royal Capital of Lugunica is Rom. It is mentioned that Sekhmet, a giant herself, killed most other Giants.

Evil Eye Tribe (魔眼族): The Evil Eye Tribe are a type of demi-human that were nearly wiped out by the Empire. There were originally not that many of them and they possessed the ability to see invisible things and interfere with the minds of others with their eyes.

Mole Humans (土鼠人): The Mole Humans are a type of demi-human that used to formerly reside in the Vollachia Empire. However, according to history, they betrayed a woman named Iris, causing the Empire to hunt them down. More than a hundred years ago, a group of Mole Humans dug the Everlasting Darkness (常闇) that connects between the Shamrock Valley in Lugunica and a place near the Vollachian town of Mozotto, where they still reside in the present.

Puppy Humans (子犬人): The puppy humans are a race of small demi-humans that have dog-like features.

Dog Humans (犬人): The dog humans are a race of demi-humans that have dog-like features.

Wolf Humans (狼人): The wolf humans, also known as the wolfin tribe (ウルフィン族), are a type of demi-human that used to formerly reside in the Vollachia Empire. However, according to history, they betrayed a woman named Iris, causing the Empire to hunt them down to the brink of extinction. With the exception of Halibel, the only known wolf human to publicly profess his heritage, the majority of wolf humans hide their heritage by pretending to be dog humans.

  • Werewolf (人狼): Werewolf is a term for demi-humans who are half wolf human. Like other halfbeasts, werewolves possess the ability to use beastification.

Kitten Humans (子猫人): The kitten humans are a race of small demi-humans that have cat-like features.

Hyena Humans (鬣犬人): The hyena humans are a race of demi-humans that have hyena-like features.

Lion Humans (獅子人): The lion humans are a race of demi-humans with lion-like features.

Bat Humans (蝙蝠人): The Bat Humans are a species of demi-human that lives near the town Mozotto of Vollachia. They have night vision and an excellent sense of hearing. They often kidnap humans to drink for blood and choose targets based on whether their blood is good or bad. As long as there's no resistance, they won't do any harm to their targets. What's more, they were extremely attracted to rare blood which can deprive them of their normal sense of judgement.

Dwarf Tribe (小人族): The Dwarf Tribe are a common type of demi-human that are shorter than normal humans. Many dwarves tend to look like children, even in adulthood.

Boar Tribe (イノシシ族): The Boar Tribe were usually an uncommon race of Demi-Human, but due to the Demi-Human War and the Sword Saint nearly wiping out their existence, their kind are now rarely seen. They are about the same size as the Wolfin Tribe. They have a head of a boar with a human physique.

Multi-Arm Clan (多腕族): A once nomadic race who finally settled down in the Vollachia Empire decades ago. They are few in number, and with exception of Kurgan, they typically have 4-5 arms.

Steelfolk (鋼人): The Steelfolk are a special type of race and unlike other races. They're rarely seen on the surface as they mostly travel underground, and they're additional a race that's different in mentality and hard to communicate with compared to humans.

Insect Cage Clan (虫籠族): The Insect Cage Clan is a minority group of various demi-human existing only on the Vollachian soil. The clan consists of different people who, at a young age, ingest a special type of insect with magical properties and gain demi-human qualities after birth, allowing them to eventually adopt their powers. The individual's Od syncs with the insect's Od, allowing them to share their souls, merging them into a single living being. By doing so, the person's external appearance drastically changes into that of a bug, giving them a gruesome appearance most people fear, but most importantly, a means of attacking. They're encased in a bug's shell that can easily deflect powerful attacks, have wings that allow them to skillfully maneuver around the battlespace and long hardened limbs which resemble a sickle. Known throughout the Empire for their deadliness and effectiveness, the Insect Cage Clan has no shortage of unique and special attacks which cause most–if not all–warriors a very tough time. Coupled with their large numbers, they're very effective assassins for dispatching groups of powerful foes threatening the Emperor.

People of Shudrak (シュドラクの民): A clan located deep in the Buddheim Jungle who are purely female-born. The People of Shudrak are known for being descendants of war gods who lived in the jungle for hundreds of years. They reproduce with men from the outside. Members of this clan are dark skinned and have pitch black hair, similar to Subaru's. As expected from a warrior clan, the Shudraks have mastered the art of guerrilla warfare, using the terrain to their favour, dispatching their targets with poisonous arrows, deadly precision and devastating traps. According to Vincent Vollachia, the Shudrak were once saved from a predicament by a previous Vollachian Emperor.

Cyclops Tribe (単眼族): A giant-like race of demi-humans with one eye in middle of their head. Their eyes can see much further than any other race and they are sensitive enough to not only be able detect smallest movement within an individual, but also concentrations of mana or heat. They also have the capability to perceive emotions.

Weaponkin (刃金人): A race of demi-humans born with parts of their bodies metallized which they reshape into any weapon of their choosing as they grow up.

Glow People (光人): A race of demi-humans with glintstones in their heads. The glintstones are said to absorb the souls of those who they kill.

Powers and Abilities


Magic (魔法, Mahō): Magic is a paranormal power that alters mana passing through a being's gate into a form that has an effect on reality. For a more detailed explanation (including different types of magic and all spells currently used), see Magic.

Authority (権能, Ken'nō): Authorities are various abilities that the Witches, Sin Archbishops and certain other rare individuals use. For more a more detailed explanation about Authorities, Witch Factors, and Apostles, see Authority.

Divine Protection (加護, Kago): Divine Protections are various powers that may be given to someone at birth. For a more detailed explanation as well as a list of every Divine Protection featured thus far in the story, see Divine Protection.

Curse (呪い, Noroi): Curses, also known as curse arts (呪術, jujutsu) in practice, are a subcategory of magical abilities that typically specialize in harming people. For more a more detailed explanation as well as a list of every curse featured thus far in the story, see Curse.

  • Curse User (呪い師): Curse users, more commonly known as curse arts users (呪術師), are those who put curses into practice.

Blessing (祝福, Shukufuku): While the definition of what constitutes a Blessing is unknown, at the current moment, they appear to be the ability to regenerate oneself after experiencing fatal injuries or are spirits that that are bestowed by the Holy King of Gusteko to Temple Knights.

  • Blessing of People Repulsion (人除けの祝福, Hito Noke no Shukufuku): As a Temple Knight, Zank has the Blessing of People Repulsion, a red-colored spirit that creates barriers. It can create invisible small, short-range barriers, as well as a large barrier, which each make prevent people from being able to trespass beyond the barriers. It takes considerable skill to create barriers around a larger area and gives those who approach it a strange feeling. In addition, the Blessing's effects can be broken through with magic.
  • Viktor Orcos's Blessing: As a former Temple Knight, Viktor had a Blessing in the form of a physical enhancement which gave him temporary immortality that was similar to Elsa's curse art, but without the chance to lose control of himself. He was able to use his Blessing to revive himself after having his throat bitten out by Elsa.
  • Macallister Parkin's Spirit: As a Temple Knight, Macallister had a Blessing in the form of a spirit he was contracted with. It was able to create a destructive blast of light and transformed into a large serpent with blue scales. Both the spirit and Macallister were killed by Elsa Granhiert.
  • Mikli Yulitô's Water Spirit: As a Temple Knight, Mikli had a Blessing in the form of a water spirit she is contracted with. It grants her the ability to create water jets that allow her to propel forward at rapid speeds, as well as the capacity to create objects from water, such as a large serpent. However, Mikli lost the spirit in her confrontation with the Witches of Sin in the dream world surrounding the Gustekan town of Sylphoa when it was eaten by Daphne, thereby ending its life.

Spiritual Arts (精霊術): Spiritual arts is a type of craft similar to magic that spiritual arts users employ.

  • Spiritual Arts User (精霊術師): Spiritual arts users, such as Emilia, are people that are contracted with spirits, and use them in various situations.

Dream Arts (幻術師): Dream arts are skills that allow their practitioners to interfere with dreams.

  • Dream Arts User (精霊術師): Dream arts users are those who put dream arts into practice.

Forbidden Arts (禁術, Kinjutsu): Magic or curse arts that are so powerful and effective that it would be beneficial if they were not used. Echidna is responsible for creating more forbidden arts than anyone else.

  • Sacrament of the Immortal King (不死王の秘蹟, Fushiō no Hiseki): A type of magic that returns a soul to the body it left.[3] The forbidden technique was developed by a Witch who could completely resurrect the dead, making them look exactly as they had in life, though the spell has mostly faded from living memory and it is impossible to realize without a caster who has an innate aptitude for it.[4][5] However, if the spell were to be successfully replicated, it could allow the deceased to be resurrected.[6] It is only possible for a caster of the Sacrament of the Immortal King or a person given authority by the caster to control undead.[7]

Beastification (獣化, Kemonoka): The natural ability that halfbeasts possess to transform themselves into an animalistic form. Without learning to control this form, a halfbeast who attempts to use this ability runs the risk of going on a rampage.

Magic Circle (魔法陣): A type of geometric magic algorithm used to perform complex spells and rituals that can be drawn on the earth or a living being. These can produce great kinds of effects such as large-scale magic that completely alters the state of a battlefield, imbuing an individual with extreme power, or even temporarily cutting off Divine Protections. However "Magic Circles" drawn on the ground once found can have their spells be disputed and the range of the effects of the magic only extent as far the circle's physical range so hiding them until activate is necessary. Since this is ancient magic very few people know about it and even fewer are capable of using it. Magic Circles were deployed frequently by demi-humans during the civil war.


Ultimate Palm (絶掌): Ultimate Palm is a powerful palm strike allowing its user to shake up a person's bones, to rupture a person's internal organs, and to destroy physical objects like swords by merely colliding with them. It is additionally said to have the sheer power to push people flying back with the force of a car. The technique is utilized by Roy Alphard, and it is is implied to originally belong to an individual who claimed to slay eighty-eight “pretty boys”.[8]

Twilight Mage (逢魔術師): Twilight Mage grants unique magical abilities to its user, such as manipulating a stream of water into a mass that can tear someone's body apart or countering the effects of others' magic by nullifying it with their own. The technique is utilized by Roy Alphard, and it is implied to originally belong to an insignificant sorcerer who was a social outcast unloved by even their family.[9]

Serpent of the Twin Swords (双剣の蛇): With Serpent of the Twin Swords, its user gains the technique to swiftly use their swords or daggers at high speeds, granting them the skill to direct a flurry of slashes at an opponent. It is utilized by Roy Alphard, and its original user is unknown.

Palm of the Fist King (拳王の掌): Palm of the Fist King allows its user to strike their opponents with an extremely powerful fist, and its destructive force grants them the capability to blast and drill through steel or flesh. It was utilized by Lye Batenkaitos, and it originally belonged to Neiji Lockhart.

Leaper (跳躍者): Leaper allows its user to use a short-range teleportation in quick succession, essentially allowing them to "leap" behind his opponents or avoid extremely precise and quick attacks. They are also capable of utilizing it vertically, making it appear as if they are flying. It was utilized by Lye Batenkaitos, and it originally belonged to Dorkell.

Carnivorous Beast (肉食獣): Carnivorous Beast allows its user to strengthen their body, giving them two advantages. First, they can withstand powerful attacks, and secondly, they can strengthen their limbs to deliver devastating blows. With this ability, its user can take a hit from an ice spear and come out unscathed, then deliver a retaliating punch that, from Subaru's perspective, would be as devastating as getting hit by a car. It was utilized by Lye Batenkaitos, and it originally belonged to Beli Hainelga.

Hell's Snipe (ヘルズ・スナイプ, Heruzu Sunaipu): Used by Shaula, this made her able to connect her needles and her target together with mana and release it as if it's gravitating toward them. It is fast, powerful, and is able to be fired rapidly. The immense power is easily able to snipe a person's head clean off, erase a Hungry Horse King's entire body from existence by showering it with projectiles and blowing people's limbs off without them even being aware of the incoming attack. It is worth mentioning that the needles are stated to be enchanted with magic and have a high temperature.

  • Infinite Hell's Snipe (インフィニティッド・ヘルズ・スナイプ, Infinitiddo Heruzu Sunaipu): An advanced version of Hell's Snipe. Shaula could summon countless white magical circles , which can then be used to simultaneously shot many needles in rapid succession towards her desired target or targets.

Unnamed Invisible Wind Blade Technique: This allows its user to hide invisible blades made of wind magic in a fixed space of their choosing, making the blades unable to be blown away by even powerful wind magic. A user can launch an attack with a wind blade that cuts through a person's clothes and body, and they can also jump atop the blades as footing to move through the air with. This ability originally belonged to an unidentified shinobi.

Spirit Eating (精霊喰らい): The spirit eaters were a people who could eat and absorb spirits of all kinds, which in turn allows them to use those spirits' abilities until they digest them. A downside to this ability is high susceptibility to mana poisoning. By being exposed to larger quantities of mana, spirit eaters get sick way more easily than normal people. Spirit eating was originally a secret technique found with members of specific tribes that were situated at the frontier of the Vollachia Empire. Due to its insane potential and strength; however, the tribes were brought to ruin and the technique was lost to time. Currently, only one spirit eater remains alive and known to the world, this being Arakiya, Second of the Nine Divine Generals.

Shinobi Techniques (シノビの術技, Shinobi no Jutsugi): Techniques that allow a shinobi to perform various unusual actions, such as transforming their whole body into steel or diving into shadows.

  • Infantilization (幼児化, Yōji-ka):By making contact with a person and altering their Od, a shinobi can effectively rejuvenate the target's body and make them physically younger. By doing so, most of his enemies are effectively rendered powerless against him, as they're usually left in the body of a ten-or-so year old child. Furthermore, after being "infantilized", the target's deduction skills and overall intellectual capabilities slowly diminish over time, reflecting their sudden rejuvenation in both body and mind. Used by Olbart Dunkelkenn, he later revealed this to be one of his most rare techniques and that it was employed to extort or quickly depose of enemies and their bodies.

Soul Marriage (魂婚術, Konkon-jutsu): This technique allows its user to share her power with anyone, under certain specific conditions. It is said to be one of the lost secrets of the old world and consists of giving away a part of the user's own Od to one or many individuals, provided that they "love" the user. Talented users are even able to use this technique on inanimate things, such Yorna, who could manipulate her Kiseru and the Crimson Lapis Castle at will. The people under its effects are stated to have red flames in their eyes, as well as immense strength and enhanced self-healing.

Unnamed Earth Softening Technique: With this technique, when peeling off chunks of nearby walls or concrete, the earth takes on a softer texture and is peeled away as easily as lifting up a carpet. When thrown, it regains its usual hardness. This technique is utilized by Spica, and its original user is unknown.

Cloud Cutting (雲切, Kumokiri): A powerful slash of the sword so lightning-fast that it leaves no sound behind and creates a force that can rise to the sky, literally allowing it to cleave clouds in two.[10] For people who lack uncommon courage, the sheer strength of the technique is enough to make them feel as if their own flesh has been cleaved.[11] The technique was created by Rowan Segmunt, who spent his lifetime to devise it; to those of transcendent skill like his son Cecilus, Cloud Cutting is only worthy of being dubbed a flashy performance.[12]

Soul Transcription (魂の転写): It is a lost forbidden magic art that allows a person to move their spirit from one body to another by over-writing the soul of the target body with their own. By doing this over and over to extend their life indefinitely, the user can achieve a "subjective immortality" of sorts. However, it has one major restriction in that for it to work, the person whose soul is overwritten must usually be a blood relative to the caster. The spell was originally created by Echidna to gain immortality, but she could not complete it before falling at hands of the Witch of Envy. Instead, it was finished by Roswaal, who had been using it to survive to the present era.

Wall Strike (壁当て): A combat skill where, by controlling the mana inside the body, a shockwave is produced that can pass through obstacles.

Fa Jin (発勁, Hakkei): A martial arts technique that deals a single crushing blow to the internal organs behind muscle.


Dragon Kingdom of Lugunica

Council of Wise Men (賢人会): An advisory board that supports Lugunica's ruler comprised of accomplished and distinguished people. It has ten known members, although only two of them have been named. They are currently administrating the country in place of a king until the Royal Selection is over. Its two most prominent members are its representative, Miklotov McMahon, who is essentially the leader of the moderates, and Bordeaux Zellgef, the effective leader of the hard-liners.

Six Tongues (六枚舌): A secret intelligence organization in the Dragon Kingdom of Lugunica. Its director is Russell Fellow, and its top priority is to ensure the stability of the Kingdom.

Council of Ten (十人会 Jūninkai) A council that led Priestella. Due to the influx of Kararagi's culture at Priestella's border, it was inspired by inspired by Kararagi's League of Cities,[13] which is made up of ten representatives from each of Kararagi's ten major cities. After the events of Arc 5, the whole council was annihilated except for Kiritaka, leaving him as the last survivor of the Council.

Royal Army (王国軍 Ōkoku-gun): An organization that is the military force of the Kingdom of Lugunica. For more information, see Royal Army.

House Karsten (カルステン家): The most prominent noble family in the Dragon Kingdom of Lugunica. Its matriarch is Crusch Karsten. For more information, see House Karsten.

House Astrea (アストレア家): The family of the world-renowned Sword Saints. Its patriarch is Heinkel Astrea. For more information, see House Astrea.

House Mathers (メイザース家): The family that has produced Lugunica's court mages for centuries. Its patriarch is Roswaal L Mathers.

  • House Miload (ミロード家): A branch family of House Mathers. Its most recent patriarch Dudley Miload, and his wife, Grace Miload, were killed by Witch Cultists, leaving the house without a head for the next decade. Its heir is Annerose Miload.

House Juukulius (ユークリウス家): A noble house that has historically served as knights. Its patriarch is Alviero Juukulius.

House Hoffman (ホフマン家): The noble house that has carried out the role of Royal Instructor for years. Its patriarch is Rickert Hoffman.

House Barielle (バーリエル家): A regional noble house whose former patriarch, Leip Barielle, had the responsibility of administrating the Dragon History Tablet. Its matriarch is Priscilla Barielle.

House Remendis (レメンディス家): A noble house that has long served as retainers to House Astrea.

House Argyle (アーガイル家): A fallen minor noble house that once resided in the Karsten Duchy. The Argyle line came from skilled water magic users who held knowledge of one most powerful secret water magic arts. Its final patriarch was Biehn Argyle.

House Trias (トリアス家): A fallen regional noble house that was eliminated during the Battle of the Trias Domain in the Demi-Human War. Before marrying into House Astrea, Wilhelm van Astrea was a member of the Trias family.

House Impusen (インプセン家): A noble house that operates a few family businesses.

Suwen Company (スーウェン商会): A company owned by Mazeran Suwen. It is based out of Picoutatte.

The Crimson Front (真紅戦線 Shinku sensen): The Barielle Barony's private army, which serves Priscilla Barielle.

White Dragon's Scales (白竜の鱗 Hakuryuu no Uroko): An mercenary group currently under the employment of Kiritaka Muse. For more information, see White Dragon's Scales.

The Brotherhood (同胞団 Douhou-dan): An organization that was led by Marcos Gildark 15 years before Natsuki Subaru was summoned into the world. The organization was created to fight against the class-discrimination that was occurring in the Royal Capital at the time.

The Golden Wing Faction (金翼党, Kinyoku-tou): An organization that was led by Fareed Impusen 15 years before Natsuki Subaru was summoned into the world. The organization was created by nobles who lacked a sense of purpose because they were born as third and fourth sons, and the like, thus failing to inherit major duties in their lineage. The organization acted as a vigilante group to quash crime in the Royal Capital.

The Big Three (三巨頭, San Kyotō): A term used for the three most powerful groups of Flanders' underworld.

  • Black Silver Coin (黒銀貨, Kuro Ginka): One of the factions of the Big Three, led by Doltero Amule.
  • Flower Prison Garden (華獄園, Hana Gokuen): One of the factions of the Big Three, led by Toto. They are known to have a very bad relationship with The Scales. They specialize in prostitution.
  • The Scales (天秤, Tenbin): One of the factions of the Big Three. They deal in gambling across the Five Great Cities, and Manfred Madison is their head in Flanders. The Scales also seem to revere the Witch of Pride.

The Golden Beetle (黄金虫): An international moneylending and loan shark organization. The Flanders branch was formerly controlled by Helaine Gatness, and it commonly associated itself with the Big Three.

Zellgef Squadron (ツェルゲフ隊): The Zellgef Squadron was a unit of soldiers first led by Bordeaux Zellgef, and later, by Wilhelm van Astrea.

Demi-Human Alliance (亜人の連合): The Demi-Human Alliance was a coalition of demi-human forces who fought in the Demi-Human War. Its three leaders were Valga Cromwell, Libre Fermi, and Cragrell Dawson, though Sphinx was another leading figure within the Alliance. It collapsed after two of their three leaders fell.

Sacred Vollachia Empire

Imperial Army (帝国軍, Teikoku-gun): The Vollachia Empire's national military force. It is the largest military organisation in the new world. For more information, see Imperial Army.

The Pruning Corps (剪定部隊 Sentei butai): Lamia Godwin's Private Army. They wear armour that conceals their face and wield large shears in combat. The Corps is renown for their cruel and feral nature as well as their prowess in battle. The army was decimated in its entirety by young Cecilus Segmunt, 7 years before the start of the main story.

Kararagi City-States

League of Cities (都市同盟, Toshi Dōmei): A council formed by the representatives of each of Kararagi's ten major cities. The representatives are made up of the cities' mayors.[14]

Hoshin Company (ホーシン商会, Hōshin Shōkai): A company owned by Anastasia Hoshin. Anastasia is its chairman, and Chuden Agri is its vice chairman. It is based in the First City of Ivada. The company was formerly known as the Chuden Company (チュデン商会, Chuden Shōkai) when Chuden ran it, before he hired Anastasia as his apprentice and became its vice chairman.

Iron Fang (鉄の牙 Tetsu no Kiba): An organization that is a personal mercenary group that is lead by the mercenary's captain, Ricardo Welkin, and it is owned by Anastasia Hoshin. For more information, see Iron Fang.

Scratch of Silver (銀の爪痕 Gin no Tsumeato): A mercenary group that is full of demi-humans. Shiroro Tonerico is one of its commanding officers.

Holy Kingdom of Gusteko

Gustekan Church (グステコ聖教, Gusuteko Seikyō): Also known as the Holy King Church (聖王教会, Seiō Kyōkai), it is a theocratic governing body that rules over the nation of Gusteko and sanctions the worship of Spirits. For more information, see Gustekan Church.

Ice Thieves (氷の盗賊団, Kōri no Tōzoku-dan): A group of thieves that stole treasures. They unintentionally caused an avalanche in the Gustekan town of Leanotte when they attempted to retrieve their items, burying the cave they used. One of their members, Coatl, decided to use his savings to participate in the effort to rebuild Leanotte.

Crimson Hunting Party (紅猟団, Kurenai Ryō-dan): A mercenary group led by Logres Hyatt.


Witch Cult (魔女教, Majo Kyō): It is an organization that supposedly worships the Witch of Envy Satella. For more information, see Witch Cult.

Witches of Sin (大罪魔女, Taizai Majo): The Witches of Sin are a group of individuals, each representing one of the Seven Deadly Sins plus two archaic sins. For more information, see Witches of Sin.


Magic Related

Od (オド): Od is the life energy that dwells inside of a living being from birth which is synonymous with the soul, making it the opposite of mana, which is magical energy that exists in the environment. It varies from person to person in terms of quantity and size which represents the lifespan of an individual. It also acts as a vessel for storing mana that flows through the gate from the environment, so having a large capacity is especially beneficial to those who can use magic. Od can be used in place of mana to cast magic, however unlike mana, using Od is like using your own lifespan, and so it isn't recommended outside of emergencies. In case the user runs out of their Od, they won't die but they also won't be themselves anymore. According to the author, such people soon become crippled. Under special conditions, an individual is able to encase themselves in their own Od which will act as some sort of a separate world that is even free from the influence of Authorities. During the events of Arc 5, Anastasia Hoshin used this technique to avoid the consequences of the Authority of Gluttony in order to not forget her knight Julius Juukulius.

  • Pseudo-Od (疑似的なオド): An artificial Od that is used as a core for the bodies of the Ryuzu Meyer copies by being surrounded in mana and inserted into the mana body of a copy. They were created by Echidna.

Mana (マナ): Mana is a type of colourless supernatural energy that exists in the atmosphere which can be found basically everywhere. When magic is being processed, a person's innate attitude will charge the mana particles to their specific “element”, which briefly manifests as formless spell-form before taking shape of the spell chosen. When a person casts magic, they will experience brief physical and mental fatigue which results in sudden weakness if they are not used to expelling magic or if they overcast beyond their capacity. Mana is also used in martial techniques and special abilities such as beastification, making superhuman feats possible, although beastification is often used by individuals who are not very proficient in using magic directly. Mana itself originates from the Od Lagna, the world's Od.

Gate (ゲート): An invisible portal-like apparatus that exists in every living thing. It allows mana to pass through the body and be stored in the Od. Whether one can use magic or not entirely depends on its condition; be it either fully or partly open. Most people only have partly functioning gates so magic is out of reach to them. In addition, there are some with a defective gate that keeps them from releasing mana at all. Overcasting magic can also lead to damaging the gate, and then the permanent loss of magic if the user continues to do so without treatment. However, that is difficult to obtain and if the gate breaks before that then nothing can be done.

  • Pseudo-Gate (疑似的なゲート): A concept experimented with by Roswaal K Mathers as a result of his predecessor having an inferior gate. With a pseudo-gate, someone who has issues with their gate would be able to utilize it as a substitute for their gate. It is unknown if Roswaal has since succeeded in creating a pseudo-gate in the present.
  • Defective Gate: A medical term for individuals whose gate cannot perform the normal circulation process of either absorbing or expelling mana. If the former occurs, that person cannot use magic unless they expend their Od. If it is the latter, then they are at risk of mana poisoning.

Anchor (依り代, Yorishiro): An anchor is an object that all spirits or other select souls require to remain in the world. Spirits use anchors to store their mana and return to them before they reach the limit on how long they can manifest their physical forms. In most cases, anchors are stones or crystals, but there have been some instances where spirits such as Melakuera and Muspel use humans as anchors. In addition, Omega's glintstone is an anchor which currently carries the souls of five Witches of Sin, and the zombie variation that appeared during the Great Disaster have an unspecified anchor that collects their souls into earthen vessels.

Od Lagna (オド・ラグナ): A reserve of mana that is considered to be the heart of the world. For more information, see Od Lagna.

  • Corridor of Memories (記憶の回廊): The cradle of Od Lagna. It is a white expanse that is the resting place of the souls of the dead and where they go to commence the process of being filtered, ultimately resulting in the leftover memories becoming Books of the Dead. For more information, see Od Lagna.

Mana Poisoning: Mana Poisoning is a state in which an individual continues to absorb an excess amount of mana beyond their Od's capacity, but is incapable of releasing it, which will eventually destroy their Od and kill them. Improperly configured or defective gates are the common casue of this. Individuals in this status who don't receive constant treatment are often very sick.

Magic Release Period (発魔期, Hatsumaki): A phenomenon that occurs to individuals and beings who possess potent magical power, powerful gates and Od that allow them to draw-in and store more mana than they let out. It happens when a magic user doesn't maintain a proper release cycle to let off excess mana from their Od which causes it to overflow from beyond their bodies. It can have drastic effects on the person such as mana poisoning, and it can even affect the environment. The mana will eventually burst out of and damage their gate if it's not forcibly released and released from within them

Flow Method (流法): A method of handling mana within one's body and utilizing it in order to enhance their own physical strength. Mana-based marital art techniques such as "Palm of the Fist King" can be created and performed with mastery.

Promises: In the world, there are three types of unique promises that can either be magically binding or honour-binding.

  • Oath (誓約, Seiyaku): Oaths can either binding two individuals or a single party. They can be magically backed, or simply honour-based promises or agreements.
  • Contract (契約, Keiyaku): Two parties can form promise, which are usually made between spirit-sensitive humans, demi-humans, or spirits. By doing this, the formerly mentioned parties can form a symbiotic relationship with spirits, and become what is known as a spiritual arts user. However, contracts are not exclusive to spirits.
  • Covenant (盟約, Meiyaku): Covenants are promises that transcend time. A notable one was between the Kingdom of Lugunica's late Royal Family and the Divine Dragon, which vows the Dragon to aid the Kingdom when in need.

Miasma (瘴気): Miasma is invisible contaminated mana that exudes from those who hold the power of witches or are connected to them. The Witches of Sin, the Sin Archbishops of the Witch Cult, Demon Beasts and to a smaller extent low-ranking cult members are prominent examples of this. While the criteria for it aren't known, this miasma can be sensed by certain individuals who are sensitive to it. Miasma is normally harmless when it is in small doses, however in high density, it will start having negative effects on all things; living beings with gates will be driven into madness, food will be polluted and go on to corrupt those who eat it. Demon Beasts are attracted to those who give it off and will deliberately attack them as well as grow stronger in places where it is very prevalent.

  • The Witch's Scent (魔女の香) is a similar type of scent exclusively belonging to Satella, and the Witch's Lingering Scent (魔女の残り香) is a scent that those connected to the Witch of Envy have, such as Natsuki Subaru.

Lagmite (ラグマイト): Also known as magic stones or glintstones. They are created when atmospheric mana crystallizes under specific conditions over a period of time. Magic crystals are a large type of magic stone that grow over a significant amount of time and have no impurities, but very few currently exist. With the exception of one, they come in six elements and serve many practical functions in society. Fire lagmite can be used in mechanisms for cooking, heating baths or lamps. Earth types are used for strengthening structures like pots or buildings, or used as fertiliser when buried in the ground. Yin and Yang lagmites are often made use of in powering meteor devices. Any living being that has a "gate" can come in contact and use them. The individual does not need to be able to use magic themselves to make use of them. Crystals in raw form are volatile and need to be handled with care otherwise their will unleashed mana stored within with explosive effects.

  • Glintstone (輝石): A rare colourless type of lagmite crystal that unlike a normal mana crystal is very small. They are only found in a place that has a high density of mana. The crystal has been demonstrated to hold incredible powers such as being able to store souls, spirits and fragments of one's Od. In addition to that, it can be used as a means of containing and controlling magical algorithms that generate spells. It often functions as a kind of key for people to pass into places that are otherwise very difficult or impossible due to powerful barriers.

Excess Mana Circulation Constitution (マナ過剰循環体質): Words that Ezzo used to describe the physical constitution/make-up which could absorb mana without using Reinhard's technique.

Magical Books: Magical Books are books which can only be read by individuals who are well versed in magic, and can utilise mana. The books look plain on the outside and have blank pages. However, if the reader concentrates, letters made out of mana appear, allowing the holder of the book to read it. According to Beatrice, Echidna had an infinite amount of Magical Books stored in her library.

Story Specific

Gospel (福音): A black book that lists the holder's future. The information is more detailed if the miscalculation between the holder and the world memory is low.

  • Book of Wisdom (叡智の書 Eichi no Sho): The Book of Wisdom is a white book crafted by Echidna that allowed her to draw knowledge from the world's memory. The book didn't just know the present and past, it also knew what would happen in the future, and drew its needed information from there. The mind of an ordinary person attempting to read it would be fried by the sheer amount of knowledge flowing into the reader's mind.
  • Roswaal and Beatrice's Books of Wisdom:
    Beatrice's Gospel ep

    Beatrice's Book of Wisdom

    Two imperfect gospel books created by Echidna for Roswaal and Beatrice. They allow the holder to use a limited version of the original Book of Wisdom and only two exist in the entire world. Roswaal's book was destroyed by Ram and Beatrice disposed of hers to form a contract with Subaru.
  • The Witch Cult's Gospels: Defective Gospels that are given to potential Witch Cult members. They show the members a route to a future they desire through vague details. These books can only be read by the holder and appear to be incomprehensible to others.

The Trial (試練 Shiren): Roughly two months after Subaru's arrival to the new world, the Royal Selections kickstarted and with them, Emilia's presence became known throughout the entirety of the Dragon Kingdom of Lugunica. Accordingly, the Witch Cult learned of her existence and the Sin Archbishop of Sloth Petelgeuse Romanée-Conti's Gospel instructed him to perform the Trial on her. Though the details of the trial were never discussed thoroughly in the main story, the Ayamatsu IF story provides us with a more detailed description coming directly from Petelgeuse's mouth – the trial is supposed to determine whether Emilia is a suitable vessel to inherit the soul of the Witch of Envy, which would, according to the Witch Cult, prove effective in resurrecting the Witch of Envy.[15] Due to the combined efforts of Natsuki Subaru, Crusch's faction and Anastasia's faction, however, the Witch Cult was stopped and Sloth was slain by the hands of Julius Juukulius and Subaru Natsuki, rendering the Trial seemingly unsuccessful. It should be mentioned, however, that during one of the failed loops Petelgeuse states to Emilia the following: "Though I must say... Unable to pass even a single trial, not even facing a single Deadly Sin, bearing great expectations only to stumble over the frist stone in her path...".[16] Though no explanation has been given for this line in specific, it does beg the question if the Trial conducted by Petelgeuse in Arc 3 is all there is to it, or if there's more to this Trial than meets the eye.

Dragon's Blood (龍の血 Ryū no Chi): A Dragon's blood is blood taken directly from a Dragon, which acts as a miracle agent. It's said that it's capable of curing any disease and even reversing famine instantly. Only the rulers of the Kingdom of Lugunica have access to it, as it is stored in the Royal Palace's vaults. In order to receive it, however, one must kill a Dragon and collect the blood from its last heartbeat. In Volume 26, it is noted that the Dragon's blood stored away in the Royal Castle doesn't belong to the Divine Dragon Volcanica, but rather, to a different Dragon which was as powerful as Volcanica.

Trials of the Tomb (試練): The trials are three different events that take place at Echidna's Grave at night and clearing them releases the barrier on the Sanctuary. Only halves and people who have been given the right by Echidna may take the trials. If anyone unworthy enters, they suffer ill effects such as feeling bad or getting injured. The effects are stronger the more the person is talented.

  • The First Trial (第一の試練): The beginning phrase is "First off, face your past". The trial taker is shown their past and told to get rid of any regret by either accepting or rejecting their past. The trial is finished if the trial taker either accepts that they change or decides that they won't change.
  • The Second Trial (第二の試練): The beginning phrase is "See the unimaginable present". The trial taker experiences themselves living a different life. The trial is finished if the trial taker chooses reality over their dream.
  • The Third Trial (第三の試練): The beginning phrase is "Face the impending disaster". The trial taker becomes conscious and is shown probable futures they will experience. The trial is finished if the trial taker chooses to keep on going even if they know that a tragic future is waiting for them.

Book of the Dead (死者の書): Special mediums that connect to the Corridor of Memories within Od Lagna where one can access memories of the deceased. They are found in the Taygeta Library of the Pleiades Watchtower.

Four Major Disasters (大いなる四つの災い, Ōinaru Yottsu no Wazawai): The four major disasters, also called the four disasters (四つの災い, Yottsu no Wazawai) are four different incidents in each of the Four Great Nations which are said to lead the world to destruction. These disasters include the Kingdom of Lugunica's Witch or Witches, the Kararagi City-States' Night Weeping, the Holy Kingdom of Gusteko's Collapse, and the Sacred Vollachia Empire's Great Disaster.

  • The Great Disaster (大災, Taisai): The Great Disaster is a disaster foretold to bring ruin that not even the light of the sun can reach to Vollachia. According to Ubilk, the Great Disaster is an inevitability that cannot be prevented, and it must only begin with the death of "Vincent Vollachia". However, Ubilk also says that it is possible to ward its destruction away. Chisha Gold used his transformation ability to impersonate Vincent Vollachia and became the fated individual who died in the Great Disaster, saving the true Emperor in the process. The disaster itself was bore by Sphinx, who revived legions of zombies for her plan to destroy the Empire. See Great Disaster for a more detailed explanation of the event.
    • An incident in Chaosflame where a great shadow expelled from Natsuki Subaru is also temporarily known by this name. However, it is not the true Great Disaster.
  • The Night Weeping (夜泣き, Yonaki): The Night Weeping of the City States is a disaster foretold to bring destruction to Kararagi. The details of this disaster are unknown.
  • The Collapse (崩落, Hōraku): The Collapse of the Holy Kingdom is a disaster foretold to bring destruction to Gusteko. The details of this disaster are unknown.
  • The Witch/Witches (魔女, Majo): The Witch or Witches of the Kingdom are a disaster foretold to bring destruction to Lugunica. The details of this disaster are unknown. It is also unspecified if this disaster includes only a single Witch or multiple Witches.

Flying Dragon Cataclysm (飛竜災害, Hiryū Saigai): Flying Dragon Cataclysms are incidents in Vollachia where flying dragons completely destroy a settlement during their breeding season.[17] However, this name was also used for an incident in the Fortress City of Guaral where Madelyn Eschart commanded a herd of flying dragons to lay waste to the city.

Slang and Language

E・M・?: Various shortened phrases Subaru uses to praise Emilia. These include E・M・B (Emilia-tan Maji Bosatsu), E・M・F (Emilia-tan Maji Fairy), E・M・H (Emilia-tan Maji Healer), E・M・K (Emilia-tan Maji Kishidou), E・M・K (Emilia-tan Maji Koakuma), E・M・M (Emilia-tan Maji Megami), and E・M・T (Emilia-tan Maji Tenshi).

Hornless (ツノナシ): A term for Oni who either have lost their horns or were born without them and Demon Beasts who have been tamed by theirs broken. For the former in this state, they cannot draw-in mana from the atmosphere nor sustain the use of it for long periods resulting in a weakened constitution. However they can survive with regular mana infusion from someone who knows the skill.

Hyena (ハイエナ): In the Kararagi City-States, this term is used to refer to people or demi-humans who have no home or anything to eat. They live life by scavenging in trash cans for things to eat. The term is thought to originate from Hoshin's time. Before she was taken from the streets, Anastasia Hoshin lived as a hyena.

Lolicon: A term that was used in Kararagi between Chuden and Ricardo in Anastasia's Kararagi Merchant Path, by the latter after the former mentioned it was "love at first sight" that brought Anastasia to him. The term was coined by Hoshin of the Wilderness 400 years ago and has become a common word in Kararagi since. Some theorize that Hoshin was a lolicon himself.

Apostle of Greed (強欲の使徒): A term and position given to those who have gained Echidna's favor. It grants them the "Command Authority" which forces compulsory obedience from all replicas of Ryuzu. There have been only 3 people who have held this title: Garfiel, Emilia, and lastly, Subaru. However, in Subaru's case, he lost his right as an Apostle in the middle of Arc 4.

Demi-Human (亜人 Ahito): The general term for all humanoid species such as Beast-Humans, Oni, Giants, Elves, various Reptilian races etc. They are found throughout the world, though some are unique to specific regions. Although their social status and treatment vary by country, with Gusteko being the worst. Many half-elves and similar mixed-bloods are particularly detested due to the similarities of their birth with the Witch of Envy, which has extended to demi-humans in general to a lesser degree.

Dragon Maiden (竜の巫女): A position and title which will be given to the woman who wins the Royal Selection and becomes Luginca's ruler. Dragon Maidens have existed in the past, but back then they served only as intermediaries between the previous kings and Volcanica as part of the old covenant.

Lion King (獅子王):


Former emblem of the Lion Kings, now in use by House Karsten.

A sage king whose uncanny intuition and leadership guided Lugunica to prosperity in the distant past before the contract between the Lugunica family and the dragon Volcanica which guaranteed the health and the security of the nation from external threats. Once the established country became known as the Dragon Kingdom of Lugunica and the royal family's coat of arms shifted from a symbol of the “lion” to that of the dragon. The former insignia came to pass over to House Karsten instead. Since then, the royal family had only needed to carry the bloodline to ensure the contract. While the de jure-wise wielded the highest authority in the land, due to their lacking statesmanship since then, their influence over state matters has waned from the days of the "Lion Kings". The effects of that led the general populace to look to the dragon and the Council of Wise Men more often than they would have otherwise for guidance instead. Every now and then a royal heir bearing the potential qualities to be the next "Lion King" would be born; unfortunately, every known person with the royal bloodline is now dead.

Shinobi (シノビ): Shinobi are skilled spies and assassins that are originally from Kararagi but are known to be employed by other powers.

Doctor: A person that is extremely skilled at using healing Magic and has passed at the Healing Insitute in Lugunica.

Blight Dragon (邪龍 Jyaryuu): A term used by the general population four centuries ago, to label dragons which did people wrong, by attacking, killing and hunting them. It is mentioned by Beatrice that this term is nothing more than a viewpoint of humans, rather than a designated species name. According to the legends, Blight Dragons were all but exterminated by the first Sword Saint Reid Astrea, four centuries ago.

Myon Myon: According to Echidna, a mage by the name of Myon Myon walked the lands long ago. Back then, magic wasn't systemised yet, so her pupils developed a habit of chanting "Myon Myon" when casting spells. This can be seen during the events of the second failed loop of Arc 2, when Roswaal examined Subaru for his potential in magic. Furthermore, Echidna had the habit of repeating the same chant when "downloading" Subaru's memories in Kasaneru IF Light Novel edition.


Consistencies include...

  • Monthly Festival (月祝祭): A festival in Lugunica that takes place on the 25th day of every month in the Laguna calendar. It coincides with the foundation of Lugunica, which was on the 25th of Marshba. Unsurprisingly, it is a monthly event celebrating the anniversary of Lugunica.
  • Months: The world of Re:Zero has its own months, but only four are known so far in the story, "Tanmuz", "Arbe", "Marshba" and Kisdam".
  • Seasons (季節): The seasons in the world are categorized into “Red-Sun, Blue-Sun, Yellow-Sun, and Green-Sun”, with each matching a different elemental magic type. According to Subaru, Red-sun refers to the equivalent of Summer, Blue-sun to Winter, Yellow-Sun to Autumn and Green-Sun to spring.
  • Time Tower (刻限塔) and by extension, Time: Time Towers are tall buildings with a time crystal placed in them, similar to a clocktower. Many cities and villages have them and multiple towers are placed within each one. The clock and Time, in general, are split into two phases, Brightsun and Darksun, which represent the elements of light and shadow. These are further divided into sub-section sections that correspond to the 4 primary elements with each representing 6 hours. Brightsun is Wind Time and Fire Time, ranging from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM. Darksun is Water Time and Earth Time ranging from 6:00 PM to 6:00 AM. The crystals wane and glow with the passage of time to show the transition.

Facets of background politics within the Re:Zero world include...

  • Royal Selection (王選): A selection process to decide on who will become the 42nd King of Lugunica. The elections span for three years until the same day, which falls on the month before the ritual to form a new contract between Volcanica and the chosen candidate. The five candidates are Emilia, Crusch Karsten, Anastasia Hoshin, Priscilla Barielle, and Felt, all of whom were chosen by the Dragon Insignias. For a more detailed explanation, see Royal Selection.
  • Divine Dragon Ritual (神龍儀): A ritual between Volcanica and either the king or a shrine maiden of the Kingdom of Lugunica where the pledge is reviewed. The next ritual will be held three years and a month after the beginning of the royal election.
  • Imperial Selection Ceremony (皇帝選出の儀): A method which the Vollachia Empire uses to determine succession to the throne. The “process” begins with the current Emperor conceiving children with people from all corners of the country. Those children are supposed to then vie for the throne, and the last known survivor becomes the new Emperor. This ceremony is an example of the Emperor themselves following the country's ideals, earning it the support of the people. It officially begins when the current Emperor is burned to death by the Yang Sword or otherwise loses their credentials. The Emperor's children are gathered together to test whether they hold the credentials by seeing if they can wield the Yang Sword without burning to death, hence signifying the time to fight for the throne has come. It's also possible to decline to take the sword and thus exclude yourself from succeeding the throne, however, such people are typically killed during the ceremony or when a new Emperor takes the throne. The ceremony typically lasts under a year.
  • Western Margrave Domain Meeting (西方辺境伯領会合): A meeting that takes place between people of notable influence regarding the rule of the Western Margrave Domain, the domain owned by Roswaal L Mathers.
  • Reinhard Law (ラインハルト法, Rainharuto-hō): A law that prevents Reinhard van Astrea from travelling abroad. It was enacted when Reinhard was only eight years old.[18]

Fauna within the Re:Zero world

Dragons (龍, Ryū): Dragons are usually very large and very powerful powerful creatures made entirely of mana clumps. In the days of the Witches, Dragons freely roamed the world in numbers. For more information, see Dragon.

Dragons (竜 Ryū): Unlike the mana-based Dragons, dragons are smaller and less powerful beings with bodies of their own. They come in different species, such as earth dragons, water dragons, and flying dragons. The earth dragons are said to be created by the Divine Dragon after it blessed the grounds of Flanders. For more information, see Dragon.

  • Earth Dragon (地竜 Chiryū): Dragons created by Volcanica. Much like horses on earth, these wingless, land-based dragons are often domesticated to be used in menial labors such as transport or in warfare. They have varied body types and colours to suit different terrains, environmental conditions and jobs which makes them excellent to work with. All Earth Dragons are born with Wind Evasion a species-based Divine Protection. Specific species types known include Flanna (フランナ種), the most numerous versatile species, Eliq (エイリーク種), an earth dragon species for cold environments, Agaress (アガレス種), an earth dragon species for desert environments, and Diana (ダイアナ種), the species of Patrasche, a prideful and relatively rare species. The Diana species is the original species from which all other earth dragons descend from.
  • Flying Dragon (飛竜 Hiryū): A lesser species of dragon, like earth dragons. They are nearly impossible to domesticate, though some people in the Vollachia Empire had found a means to do it. These dragons have been shown capable of surpassing the speed of sound. It is likely that they are also born with a similar Divine Protection as with earth dragons and water dragons.
  • Water Dragon (水竜 Suiryū): A lesser species of dragon, like earth dragons. These dragons are aquatic creatures, with long serpentine bodies, with short stubby limbs. They have blue, slippery skin and have a head that resembles a dragon's. Their mouths are crowded by sharp fangs, and catfish-like whiskers extend from its snout. They are harder to domesticate than earth dragons, as one must be trained from the very day they hatch from their eggs in order to recognise someone as their master. All water dragons are born with a Divine Protection which protects them from the effects of the water.
  • Dragonkin (竜人): The dragonkin are a rare race that possess the ability to make emotional connections with lesser dragons, though they are mostly extinct in the present.[19] After driving ten other races to extinction, they were nearly led to extinction as a result of their extreme pride. The race's only known survivor is Madelyn Eschart, who was created by Mezoreia.

Spirit (精霊): Spirits are supernatural beings that are given life by Od Lagna, materialize in the world through mana, and manipulate it as they please. For a more detailed explanation on spirits, their gradings, and the Four Great Spirits, see Spirit.

Demon Beast (魔獣): Demon Beast is a general name for any number of organisms that are able to sustain themselves off of mana and have origins of creation from the Witch of Gluttony. Under most conditions, they are larger and stronger than regular fauna and typically possess often hazardous magical abilities. For more information, see Demon Beast.

Demi-Beast (亜獣): Demi-Beast is a general name for any number of organisms that are a cross between flesh and inorganic objects, with weapons like axes or spears protruding from their bodies and have their origins of creation from the Sin Archbishop of Lust. Interestingly enough, they are unrelated to Demon Beasts. For more information, see Demi-Beast.

Undead (屍人, Shinin): Undead is a general name for reanimated corpses that are raised by a caster and follow their bidding. They are also known as corpse soldiers (屍兵, shihei) and zombies (ゾンビ, zonbi). For more information, see Undead.

Hollow (ホロゥ): Hollows are types of beings that are combinations of the grudges of the dead, left behind in the world of the living and unable to return to Od Lagna, with evil spirits.

Zodda Bug (ゾッダ虫): A kind of insectoid lifeform.

Black Deer (黒鹿): A deer-like large herbivore which lives in Vollachia's Buddheim Jungle. They are characterized by their strong horns and black fur.

Liger (ライガー) Ligers have an appearance that is similar to wolves on earth. Ligers are a somewhat rare type of species, as they are often seen in Kararagi, but not so much anywhere else, and especially not in Lugunica. Ligers are very territorial, so they can be difficult to raise. They are often used by the members of the Iron Fang mercenary group for menial labors such as transport or warfare. Although they are similar to Earth Dragons, Ligers lack strength, but they are more agile and have higher speed and endurance. They have a high chance of winning if the two were ever needed to fight in a melee.

Falo (ファロー): Falos are animals with a quiet disposition with high stamina comparable to the likes of Earth Dragons or Ligers. They are valued in all countries, however, they have an element of cowardice in their nature. Long ago, they were referred to by the name "Grim Oxen".

Galewind Horse (疾風馬): Galewind horse is a giant and horse-like animal in Vollachia Empire. Like horses on earth, they are used for riding or carriage. But since they are quite rare, they are typically used by generals in Vollachia.

Various cultural aspects within the Re:Zero world include...

  • Food: Various types of food and drink are known under different names in the world of the series.
    • Appa (リンガ, Ringa): The name that apples go by.
    • Banina (バニナ, Banina): The name that bananas go by.
    • Orage (オレージ, Orēji): The name that oranges go by.
    • Piche (ピジ, Piji): The name that peaches go by.
    • Peah (ペア, Pea): The name that pears go by.
    • Chorry (チェロリ, Cherori) The name that cherries go by.
    • Strowberry (スロベリ, Suroberi): The name that strawberries go by.
    • Grapp (グラプ, Gurapu): The name that grapes go by.
    • Lemom (レモヌ/レモム, Remonu/Remomu): The name that lemons go by.
    • Melan (メラン, Meran): The name that melons go by.
    • Tometo (トメト, Tometo): The name that tomatoes go by.
    • Solt: (ソルテ, Sorute): The name that salt goes by.
    • Peppa: (ペッパ, Peppa): The name that pepper goes by.
    • Vinegee (ビネギー, Binegī): The name that vinegar goes by.
    • Radsh (ラグディッシュ, Ragudisshu): The name that radish goes by.
    • Peppir (ピーマル, Pīmaru): The name that bell pepper goes by.
    • Krafish (ジャリガニ, Jarigani): The name that crayfish goes by.
    • Poiison (ポワッゾ, Powazzo): The name that fish go by.
    • Coff (コーフ, Kōfu): Coff is a drink that is made from beans that are transported and made in the Vollachia Empire. In Rem's Latte Art, Subaru claims that coff is something that is similar to coffee.
    • Potato (芋, Imo): The names of potatoes and steamed potatoes (蒸かし芋, fukashi imo) remain unchanged.
    • Milk (ミルク, Miruku): The name of milk, while being a loan word from English, remains unchanged.
  • Fluffy (フワフワ): Fluffy is a famous confectionery similar to cotton-candy sold in the Royal Capital of Lugunica. Fluffy made by first-class craftsmen is good enough that they can't be told apart from clouds in the sky.
  • Ryokucha (リョクチャ): A popular drink created in Kararagi.
  • Bokko Fruit (ボッコの実): A small purple nut that can stimulate mana within a person's gate when taken. It's mainly used in emergencies when a Magic User's internal mana is depleted and their gate becomes dominant but needs to use magic. However, because this forcibly reactivates the gate, it carries a serious risk of damaging the gate itself.
  • Fannel Fruit (ファネルの実): The Fannel Fruit is a small fruit that when taken as powder it can make a person's body feel hot, make them honest, and bring about strong drowsiness. Possibly alcoholic in nature.
  • Karnago Powder (カルナゴの粉末): Powder with a strong odor that can erase a person's body odor along with the powder's smell within minutes if applied to the body.
  • Soirie (ソワリエ): A kind of pastry that is made by stuffing sweetness inside the bun before baking. It is usually stuffed with cream and mushed beans and is very effective against hunger. In Volume 17, Reala Thompson gave a bunch of them to Garfiel Tinsel as a parting gift.
  • Tometo Festival: A festival held annually in Hakuchuri. The city is divided into four teams. Getting hit by a tometo means you're out. The team that has the last man standing, wins.
  • Hambulgar: The world's version of a hamburger. It is unknown what exactly it is composed of beyond the basic similarities to a hamburger.
  • Fire Wine: A wine-like drink popular in Gusteko. It is popular in the Holy Kingdom due to its cheapness and the warmth it gives.
  • Flower: There are many different flowers, such as Diana (ダイアナ), a type of yellow flower, and Agaress (アガレス), a type of red flower blooming at Roswaal Manor. The sub-species of earth dragons were named after flowers in ancient times.
    • Necrosoul Flowers (死魂花): A type of flower that blooms in the forest near Pappelt. The flowers use the bodies of dead animals as their seedbeds.
    • Kurenai (クレナイ): A type of flower that blooms near the village of Ladrima. They are bright red.
    • Muskrim (ムスクリム): Also called a sleeping flower (眠り花). It is a special flower with powder can make people fall asleep quickly. Its powder has a faint and sweet smell. In The Witch's After Tea Party / One Wild Night Part 2, Maqueena used it in an attempt to make everyone fall asleep.

Other cultural aspects and items include...

  • Magrizza's Guillotine (マグリッツァの断頭台): A famous story passed down from generation to generation. This is a book which Beatrice described to be a tragedy as she was reading it during Arc 2. It is considered to be classic Vollachian literature. Notable scenes from Magrizza's Guillotine include an interaction between an old disciplinarian and the father-king,[20] an event where the king deceived his disloyal attendant by allowing an assassin he hired himself to capture him,[21] a moment where the King's child is said to seek his father's position,[22] and a rebel march on the Imperial Capital.[23] At the end of the story, the protagonist who conspired with his father, the King, was decapitated by the eponymous guillotine. The story played an important role during the events of Ex Volume 4.
  • Iris and the King of Thorns (アイリスと茨の王): A famous story from the Vollachia Empire that was based on a historical account. It details the love story between a girl named Iris and the King of Thorns, Eugard Vollachia. Within the story, the two lovers were about to end a civil war that had engulfed many races within the Empire. At the story's end, the two were betrayed by the wolf humans and the mole humans, which caused Iris to die right before she and the King of Thorns were married. However, the story and the historical facts differ; Eugard descended into madness after Iris's death. He chose to eradicate all wolf humans and mole humans who were found on sight, and directed his madness at Iris, who he laid a curse called the Binding of Thorns upon. The curse brought her back to life and prevented her soul from going to Od Lagna upon death, instead causing it to go into the earth and repetitively reincarnate into another vessel.
  • The Rose Knight of Tieros (ティレオスの薔薇騎士): A famed story originating from Vollachia. Its contents are unknown.
  • Shatranj (シャトランジ): A old form of chess that also exists in the world of Re:Zero. The game imitates war, and the winning condition for a play is to corner their enemy's king into a corner with no room to escape, forcing them into a "Shatzbort", or checkmate. The name of the fallen nation of Shatzbort is used as a defining aspect of Shatranj due to the similarity between the circumstances of its collapse and the aim of the game.
  • Dragon Insignia: A small ceremonial touchstone badge with an inset red jewel in the middle. During Royal Selection, it marks those who have the qualification and potential to become the Dragon Maiden and as well as Lugunica's next ruler, signified when its jewel shines brightly. There are 5 in total and all were first given to the royal family of Lugunica at the same time as the Dragon History Stone.
  • Dragon History Stone (竜歴石):
    Dragon Stone ep

    Dragon History Stone

    A large stone lithograph bequeathed by Volcanica to the late royal Lugunica family that could foretell the fate of the country. It acts as a guideline to shape Lugunica's future. For example, the idea that the Royal Selection would be held to choose a new ruler and the specifics came directly from it.
  • Observers (観覧者, Kanransha): The Observers, also known as the Stars (星, Hoshi), are metaphysical beings that can be traced to the Sacred Vollachia Empire. According to Stride Vollachia, they are beings who manipulate and fix fate.[24] Stride also thought they were responsible for casting Divine Protections onto people,[25] something only Od Lagna is believed to be capable of.
  • Stargazer (星詠み, Hoshiyomi): Stargazers are individuals in the Sacred Vollachia Empire who receive vague predestinations or commandments from the stars, also known as the Observers.
  • Warning Stone (警戒石): Warning Stones are capable of alerting people of intruders.
  • Night Banisher:
    Night Banisher

    Night Banisher

    A special type of ammunition composed of a mass of condensed light lagmite. It can be fired from mana-crystal cannons into the sky to generate an artificial sun that lasts for an hour. A drawback is that it so bright it will blind anyone who has their eyes open during its initial activation.
  • Lagmite Ore (ラグマイト鉱石): It is a type of white crystal that will emit white light upon impact. It is commonly used in the world with its similar properties to magic stones and ability to generate light without fire. In Re:Zero Light Novel Volume 1, chapter 1, part 9, Emilia has used it to help create light for Subaru.
  • Crystal Lamp (結晶灯): Crystal Lamps gather mana from the atmosphere during the day and can be lit at night by using the accumulated mana.
  • Anti-Mana Crystal (退魔水晶): A type of crystal that can neutralize or dampen the presence of mana by forcing the energy back into a colorless state where it becomes dominant and invisible. As long as it is in effect, any power related to mana such as magic is weakened. Several of these were used against the Hakugei's mist to thin it out.
  • Dragon's Fang (龍の牙): A tool used in summoning Valgren. According to Stride, if the fang sucks the blood of heaven-sent children, a blood-crazed dragon will appear. He summoned the dragon using the blood of twenty Lugunican citizens.
  • Candle (蝋燭): In the red-light district of Flanders, candles are used to determine the amount of time that a customer spends with a prostitute. The Flower Prison Garden usually allocates two candles to a customer.
  • Black Water (黒水): Poison that sank to the bottom of the lake at Elior Forest, from the Black Serpent that attacked 100 years ago. It has congealed and now acts like a living thing. It's a weapon that melts and absorbs anything the poison touches, showing traces of intelligence.
  • Lightbugs (光虫, Hikarimushi): Strange objects which have an unnatural flickering glimmer to them. They are relatively hard. They make use of magic, but they are quite brittle since they are not that dense. They seem to have appeared in Costuul after the production using Magicreation Tools started. There have been no confirmed sightings of them in other cities.
  • Rare Blood (稀血, Mareketsu): Blood that slightly differs from the usual kind people have, though it is not inherited. Its exact qualities remain unknown. Frederica Baumann and Hayden Garo are known to possess it.
  • Malign Blood (禍血, Wazawai Chi): A term associated with the blood of demi-humans. In the past, those with mixed blood were considered to have malign blood.
  • Evil Sealing Stones (封魔石): Evil Sealing Stones are magical stones which, at a glance, cannot be discerned from normal magical stones.[26] The full properties of Evil Sealing Stones currently remain largely unknown, though it is known that they are used to help seal off powerful people such as the Sin Archbishop of Wrath, whose Authority can influence the entirety of the Watergate City of Priestella—the most famous application of these Evil Sealing Stones, however, come from the Evil Sealing Stone Shrine that is located at the far east of the Dragon Kingdom of Lugunica, beyond the Pleiades Watchtower, where the Witch of Envy has remained sealed.
  • Magical Miasma Stones (魔瘴石): Magical Miasma Stones are deep black stones which are said to look dangerous just at glance.[27] The stones give off miasma and are stated to be capable of making people and animals go mad over time provided they stay nearby long enough,[28] they're also assumed to instantly kill a being upon being swallowed.[29]

Magic Crystal Cannon (魔晶砲): A massive cannon hidden in Vollachia's Crystal Palace which fires a powerful concentration of mana capable of annihilating a whole army. It draws a large amount of power that is amplified from the numerous magic crystals adorned onto the cannon itself and the immense quantity of mana surrounding the Crystal Palace.

Magic Stone Cannon (魔石砲): A small cannon that fires shells powerful enough to completely blast a person away.


Ten Enchanted Swords

The Ten Enchanted Swords (十の魔剣, Jū no Maken) are ten swords existing in the world that the author has stated to be ridiculously powerful.[30] They are stated to be sharper and more beautiful than normal swords, and have magical properties. The swords are listed by title below:

  • The Dragon Sword (龍剣, Ryūken), also known as the Dragon Sword Reid (龍剣レイド, Ryūken Reido):

Dragon Sword Reid in its sheath.

Dragon Sword Reid blade unsheathed

The legendary Dragon Sword.

An Enchanted Sword supposedly created by an unknown swordsmith out of the finest steel and bestowed with a Divine Protection by the very Sword God itselff.[31][32] It was gifted to the first Sword Saint and has been handed down to those of the Astrea family who have received the Divine Protection of the Sword Saint successively for generations. It has the power to cut through almost anything and it cannot be destroyed, however, a special condition is needed to be met in order for it to be drawn. Its sheath is known as the Dragon Claw (龍爪, Ryūsō) since the grooves on it are said to have been caused by the Divine Dragon Volcanica's claws. The Dragon Sword is the strongest sword in the world,[33] also held as the sharpest and most beautiful. Legend has it that the blade has drunk the blood of the thousands of dragons it has butchered.[34] Countless legends surround the sword, like the legend that speaks of how Reid Astrea supposedly used the sword to slay countless dragons with a single blow, though no one knows how accurate the sayings are. Once the Dragon Sword has been drawn, defeat is no longer an option.

  • The Fiend Sword (邪剣, Jaken), also known as the Fiend Sword Murasame (邪剣ムラサメ, Jaken Murasame):
    Fiend Sword Murasame

    Cecilus wielding the Fiend Sword.

    Murasame is currently wielded by Cecilus Segmunt. The sword has a very long and storied history. Due to it being a magic sword, it requires sacrifice and blood in order to satisfy its hunger for violence.[35] In other words, the owner of the Fiend Sword must use it as a killing tool rather often. It is said that the sword is capable of killing even invisible things by simply touching them.[36] According to Julius, even when sheathed, Murasame emits extreme cruelty and bloodlust.[37]
  • The Dream Sword (夢剣, Muken), also known as the Dream Sword Masayume (夢剣マサユメ, Muken Masayume):
    Dream Sword Masayume

    Cecilus wielding the Dream Sword.

    Masayume is currently wielded by Cecilus Segmunt. Just like Murasame, it has a long and storied past. Due to it being a magic sword, it requires sacrifice and blood in order to satisfy its hunger for violence. In other words, just like with the aforementioned Fiend Sword, the owner of the Dream Sword must use it as a killing tool rather often. It is said that the sword eats away at its holder's soul.[38] According to Julius, even when sheathed, Masayume, just like Murasame, emits extreme cruelty and bloodlust.
  • The Yang Sword (陽剣, Yōken), also known as the Yang Sword Vollachia (陽剣ヴォラキア, Yōken Vorakia): A sword that appears out of thin air when the user wishes to use it and it cuts and burns whatever the user wishes.[39] It is mentioned by Berstetz Fondalfon that only those who have the necessary qualities for the throne of Vollachia are able to wield the sword. The sword chooses its own wielder and is normally sheathed in the atmosphere when not in use, as it requires a great amount of mana to wield. The known worthy wielders of the sword are Priscilla Barielle, Vincent Vollachia, Drizen Vollachia, Lamia Godwin, Palladio Manesque, and Eugard Vollachia. It has been shown that several Yang Swords can be materialized at the same time.
  • The Life Sword (命剣, Meiken), also known as the Life Sword Zeam (命剣ゼアム, Meiken Zeamu):
    Life Sword Zeam LiM design

    Life Sword Zeam's design from Re:Zero Lost in Memories.

    While it has not yet been introduced in the main story, in the Re:Zero Lost in Memories mobile game's exclusive Aganau IF story, Subaru retrieves it from an eccentric noble by the name of Count Reedback, who likes to collect different things and artifacts. According to the game, it has been "fed" with copious amounts of mana, which gave it an ability to kill a person's very soul. Subaru used its ability to kill Petelgeuse Romanée-Conti once and for all.
  • The Cursed Sword (呪剣, Juken). Its current whereabouts or its owner are unknown.
  • The Beloved Sword (愛剣, Aiken). Its current whereabouts or its owner are unknown.
  • The Soul Sword (霊剣, Reiken). Its current whereabouts or its owner are unknown.
  • The Shadow Sword (影剣, Eiken). Its current whereabouts or its owner are unknown.
  • The Plague Sword (疫剣, Ekiken). Its current whereabouts or its owner are unknown.

Curse Tools

Curse Tools (呪具, Jugu) are equivalents to meteors that originate from the Vollachia Empire.[40] Although they effectively function in similar ways to meteors, curse tools have been observed to only allow a user to produce curses rather than normal magic.

  • The Scarlet Little Finger (朱色の小指, Akeiro no Koyubi) was a curse tool that was capable of casting a curse that rotted the target's limbs.[41] It appeared as a ring with an uncanny scarlet glow. Stride Vollachia temporarily used the ring to hold Veltol Astrea's life hostage. After Kurgan was defeated in the Silver Flower Dance of Picoutatte, Stride ceded the ring to Wilhelm van Astrea as a token of his victory, and it was sliced into two, thereby stopping the curse from continuing to damage Veltol at the expense of his right arm's mobility.
  • A blood hatchet (血斧, chi ono) is a curse tool that uses its holder's blood to acquire a target. If a target gets the holder's blood on themselves or their clothes, a hatchet will proceed to lock on to a target and attempt to land a blow on them. Originally, blood hatchets were a different type of curse tool used to slay opponents who wore thick armor by utilizing the hatchet's intensely vibrating blade that sent the vibrations through armor with just a touch, pulverizing a target's bones and viscera.
  • A unnamed black orb-shaped curse tool created by Groovy Gumlet was put into use at the Gladiator Island Ginunhive in Vollachia. It takes the lives of people engraved with a curse mark if they exceed a fixed distance from the orb, although the exact distance is unknown. The curse tool was used to thwart gladiators from exiting and escaping the Gladiator Island.

Magicreation Tools

Magicreation Tools (魔造具) are tools are devices made by any magical means. They were invented by Roswaal K Mathers and produced in Costuul. They can be constructed from wood or metal and powered by magic stones that are used in the production of so-called industrial goods. These include devices like water heaters, stoves, or any other tool powered by magic stones. They also automate and improve the manufacturing process of exportable products, such as the refining of magic stone ore. For that, they are sometimes referred to as "modern day meteors" as they can perform work that otherwise could not be achieved with manpower.

  • Metal-Pressing Magicreation Tool: A magicreation tool used to mold metal between two steel plates, with one plate being above the material and the other being below it.
  • Construction Magicreation Tool: A magicreation tool used for construction. It is a beast carriage with a ladder that can be raised and lowered. It transports construction materials to high places. It can carry a large amount of building materials with just one use.


Meteors (ミーティア, Mītia): Ancient tools that tools that enable the usage of magic without utilizing a gate. See Meteor for more information.

Holy Sword Astrea (聖剣アストレア Seiken Asutorea): The Holy Sword Astrea was Wilhelm van Astrea's cherished blade, given to him by Veltol Astrea during Wilhelm and Theresia's honneymoon, shortly before Wilhelm's first duel with Vollachia's War God Kurgan. It was later inherited by their son, Heinkel Astrea.

Morningstar (モーニングスター, Mōningusutā): A spiked metal ball with chains that is owned by Rem.

Onibami (オニバミ, Onibami): A katana wielded by Rowan Segmunt.

Flying Winged Blade (飛翼刃): A boomerang-like weapon used by Madelyn Eschart that can create shockwaves in the air. It is unknown if this is caused by the weapon itself or if it results from Madelyn's physical strength.

Crossbow (弩弓): A weapon that was invented in Gusteko. Its ease of use is such that even women and children can use it and only requires one hand to operate.

Recognition Obstruction Robe (認識阻害のローブ): A robe that allows the wearer to obstruct anyone from perceiving them unless the wearer allows it or the person is strong enough to overcome its effects.

Roswaal's Black Gloves (ロズワールの黒手袋): The gloves are a special piece of equipment supposedly left behind by Roswaal's ancestors. They are said to be able to stop the cutting edge of a holy sword.


  1. November 27, 2014 AskFM Q&A
  2. Sword Identity Part 2
  3. “A kind of magic that, upon death, returns the soul to the body from which it has left… a forbidden technique, I suppose.” Re:Zero Light Novel Volume 34, Chapter 1, Section 2.
  4. The Witch who invented the spell had been said to be able to bring the dead back looking exactly as they had in life, but that part of the spell had not been passed down. Most of the ritual had faded from living memory; it was impossible to replicate any of the spell’s effects except moving corpses. Re:Zero Ex Light Novel Volume 1, Felix Argyle's Curse, Section 8.
  5. Even a basic manifestation was impossible to realize without a innate aptitude for this magic. Re:Zero Ex Light Novel Volume 1, Felix Argyle's Curse, Section 8.
  6. A secret spell developed by a Witch that could resurrect the dead, granting corpses the power to walk again―― his father had not been able to replicate the spell successfully, but if it could be done, even those who were gone could be saved. Re:Zero Ex Light Novel Volume 1, The Dream the Lion King Saw, Section 4.
  7. Only the spell caster, or someone given authority by the spell caster, could control the corpse soldiers. Re:Zero Ex Light Novel Volume 1, Felix Argyle's Curse, Section 13.
  8. “This strike has slain eighty-eight other pretty boys… Did you feel it in the marrow of your bones, nii-sama?” Re:Zero Light Novel Volume 20, Prologue, Section 3.
  9. “We are but a poor, insignificant, unknown mage. A social outcast unloved even by our family. Was that how it went?” Re:Zero Light Novel Volume 20, Prologue, Section 3.
  10. In a flash of lightning that left even the sound behind, the force from that blade rose to the sky, and the thick clouds above the pair of them were cleaved in two right down the middle. Re:Zero Tanpenshuu Volume 7, Sword Identity, Section 4.
  11. A light flick of the wrist that emitted a flash of the sword, it was the technique called Cloud Cutting that Ceclius had shown in sport. But few could laugh at it as a street performance. In particular, those with uncommon courage such as Arakiya’s master, and Vincent. For those without it, it would be enough to give them a sensation like that off their own flesh being cleaved in two. Re:Zero Tanpenshuu Volume 7, Sword Identity, Section 8.
  12. That, was the divine miracle of empty sky that Rowan Segmunt had spent his lifetime devising―― for those who were transcendent monsters, it was comprehended as naught more than being dubbed a flashy performance. Re:Zero Light Novel Volume 36, Chapter 6, Section 3.
  13. “Rather, Priestella’s Council of Ten is probably modelled after the League of Cities. As is the case with the Water Plumage Pavilion, there is a large influx of Kararagi culture in Priestella along the border.” Re:Zero Light Novel Volume 35, Chapter 1, Section 2.
  14. “The Kararagi City-States are, roughly speaking, a country composed of ten large cities. Each city has its own mayor, who is the representative of the city, and there is a council formed by these people, which is the League of Cities.” Re:Zero Light Novel Volume 35, Chapter 1, Section 2.
  15. "“Roger. ...And also, what's the Trial?” “A sound question. It is a test to ascertain suitability of the Witch's vessel... namely, a trial to determine whether the receptacle possesses the strength, the quality, and moreover the qualifications to host the Witch's soul!”" Re: Erring Life in Another World from Zero
  16. "Quoted line said by Petelgeuse" Re:Zero Light Novel Volume 6 Chapter 4; Section 6.
  17. Occasionally called Flying Dragon Cataclysms, there were instances where flying dragons would completely devastate a settlement when they met for breeding season. Re:Zero Tanpenshuu Volume 7, Sword Identity, Section 12.
  18. Author's Comment
  19. “At the very least, that is true according to the person in question… they are a race that has already perished, but I have heard that the dragonkin were able to establish bonds with earth dragons, water dragons, and flying dragons.” Re:Zero Tanpenshuu Volume 7, Sword Identity, Section 12.
  20. “That exchange just now was from Magrizza's Guillotine. A conversation between an elder of great intellect and a father-king...” Re:Zero Ex Light Novel Volume 4, Royal Selection Prequel: Imperial Diplomacy of Bloodshed, Section 4.
  21. Vincent’s words had come from the old text, Magrizza's Guillotine, from an episode in which an old king deceived his own treacherous retainer by allowing himself to be captured by an assassin he himself had hired. Re:Zero Ex Light Novel Volume 4, Royal Selection Prequel: Imperial Diplomacy of Bloodshed, Section 7.
  22. “――That Vincent Vollachia’s illegitimate son, a black-haired, black-eyed abomination, is seeking his father’s position. Precisely like a reenactment of Magrizza’s Guillotine.” Arc 7, Chapter 60, Section 5.
  23. “Ever since the founding of the Sacred Vollachia Empire, for a group of rebels to march on the Imperial Capital, it’s just like in “Magrizza’s Guillotine.” Arc 7, Chapter 83, Section 2.
  24. “This world is the cruel Observers’ miniature garden. Fixed events, fate that has already been decided, where tragedy and comedy are a matter of course. It’s no more than a puppet show, merely produced and garnished to make it look as if it were real.” Sword Demon Battle Ballad: Act 7, Section 3.
  25. “The Observers hath cast their roles in their miniature garden… Namely, the Divine Protections.” Sword Demon Battle Ballad: Act 7, Section 3.
  26. "Evil Sealing Stones, which have special properties compared to other magic stones, cannot be told apart from a normal lump of stones with a single glance." The Golden Lion and the Sword Saint: The Lion's Ferocity Chronicle 2
  27. "It was a dark, magical stone dyed deep black, and if you took a glimpse at it, your instincts would tell you that it was dangerous." Re:Zero Prequel: The Oni Sisters of the Hidden Village: Chapter 4.
  28. "Still, if the miasma slips by for too long, people will go mad. Animals are no exceptions either." Re:Zero Prequel: The Oni Sisters of the Hidden Village: Chapter 4.
  29. "If you swallow it, you might die instantly, so you shouldn’t it eat them no matter what." Re:Zero Prequel: The Oni Sisters of the Hidden Village: Chapter 4.
  30. Author's Comment 2018
  31. "It is said to be a blade thoroughly honed, forged by an anonymous swordsmith and the finest steel, tempered by the finest skill." Re:Zero Ex Light Novel Volume 4: Record of the Days Before the Royal Selection - The Silver Flower Dance of the Sword Saint and the Lightning. Section 1.
  32. "It is said to be a sacred blade, bearing a Divine Protection bestowed by the Sword God itself." Re:Zero Ex Light Novel Volume 4: Record of the Days Before the Royal Selection - The Silver Flower Dance of the Sword Saint and the Lightning. Section 1.
  33. "The Dragon Sword Reid is the strongest in the world, and the same is expected to be true of its wielder."Re:Zero Ex Light Novel Volume 4: Record of the Days Before the Royal Selection - The Silver Flower Dance of the Sword Saint and the Lightning. Section 1.
  34. "It is said to be an enchanted blade that has drunk the blood of the thousands of dragons it butchered." Re:Zero Ex Light Novel Volume 4: Record of the Days Before the Royal Selection - The Silver Flower Dance of the Sword Saint and the Lightning. Section 1.
  35. "These two blades of his, Murasame and Masayume, needed even more attention than most, as befitted two of the greatest works of a master swordsmith's art. However, the most important thing for keeping enchanted swords in good fettle was not polishing or honing. What they sought, was respect for what they were. Enchanted blades required blood and death." Re:Zero Ex Light Novel Volume 4: Record of the Days Before the Royal Selection - The Silver Flower Dance of the Sword Saint and the Lightning. Section 7.
  36. "This drawn sword’s incarnation was that, just by touching that blade, even invisible things would die" Re:Zero Oboreru IF/Wrath IF: Chapter 11
  37. "It was in no small part because both of the blades seemed to radiate an immense cruelty and bloodlust that could still be detected even when they were completely sheathed." Re:Zero Ex Light Novel Volume 4: Record of the Days Before the Royal Selection - The Silver Flower Dance of the Sword Saint and the Lightning. Section 7.
  38. "Is it a slash of a sword that eats at the holder’s soul, then?" Re:Zero Oboreru IF/Wrath IF: Chapter 3.
  39. "The Yang Sword is not such a trivial thing as to be drawn in jest. It cuts what we wish to cut and it consums with flame what we wish to burn." Re:Zero Ex Light Novel Volume 4 Record of the Days Before the Royal Selection - Imperial Diplomacy of Bloodshed: Section 19
  40. “This is the Scarlet Little Finger. A curse tool of considerable age… I believe in this Kingdom, you call them meteors?” Re:Zero Ex Light Novel Volume 3, Sword Demon Love Story: The Silver Flower Dance of Picoutatte, Section 11.
  41. “The normal course of things would have been for all four of my limbs to rot away, but that healer managed to force the decay into just one spot.” Re:Zero Ex Light Novel Volume 3, Sword Demon Love Story: The Silver Flower Dance of Picoutatte, Section 14.

