Re:Zero Wiki
Re:Zero Wiki

Godrov (ゴドロフ) is an exclusive character from the video game Re:Zero Lost in Memories and the antagonist of the Prisoner Number 459: Natsuki Subaru arc.


Godrov is a obese middle-aged man of average height. He slicked dark grey hair with white streaks, sunken brown eyes as well a fu manchu moustache and short beard. He wears a orange tie, a white shirt under a dark purple coat and a brown suit with a purple collar that have light grey outlines. He later lost his arm when Ricardo bit it off during the prisoners' escape.


Godrov is shown to be a sadistic and cruel man that enjoys seeing the loves all the other prisoners sufering, as he describes their screams as if they were music to him. If something doesn't get in his favor, he'll start massacring his own prisoners.


  • Equipment: Godrov wields a wooden crossbow with a poison tip.