Battle for the Royal Castle Part 4 (王城攻防戦④) is the nineteenth chapter of the Re:Zero Sword Demon Love Song Shinmeitan Manga.
- Sphinx
- Roswaal J. Mathers
- Leip Barielle
- Wilhelm van Astrea
- Theresia van Astrea
- Grimm Fauzen (Mentioned)
- Bordeaux Zellgef (Mentioned)
- Carol Remendis (Mentioned)
- Pivot Arnancy (Mentioned)
- Valga Cromwell (Mentioned)
- Libre Fermi (Mentioned)
- Originally, Chapter 19 was separated into two chapters, those being Chapter 19 Part 1 and Chapter 19 Part 2. Both chapters were combined in the release of Shinmeitan Manga Volume 3.