这个页面是关于《从零开始的异世界生活》各章节的分支剧情,如果想看外传菜月蕾姆线剧情,见《Re: IF》

从零开始的异世界生活IF线(Re:Zero IF)不是Web 正传的故事,而是日本时间4月1日凌晨1点作者发布在网站Ncode Syosetsu 上的假设故事(What If)。为了庆祝菜月·昴的生日,作者写了一个个偏离原web小说的故事。它们大约是普通web小说的四倍长,在这些故事中,它显示了如果斯巴鲁做了与他实际做的相反的事情会发生什么。每一个假设的故事都类似于七宗罪中的一宗。
2016年愚人节,长月达平写了一篇被称为《Kasaneru》 — 强欲线的故事,菜月·昴接受了艾奇多娜的帮助并与她签订契约。这段故事在时间线是大概第五章[1]之后。
After Subaru made the contract with Echidna,he decided to use his Return by Death to solve all of his problems,in his goal to save everyone and eventually make Emilia king. With Echidna advising him,Subaru was able to take care of the problems which he faced in圣域and saved everyone.
After returning by death over 100 million times and losing count,Subaru woke up as usual at the Mather's Mansion on the 14th of Kissdam. He got out of bed,and after washing his face,he practised his smile in the mirror. After doing so,he visited Echidna's dream world using the pendant at his neck as per his usual routine.
After a rather blustery conversation with Echidna,Subaru returned back to the real world where he was greeted by佩特拉coming to wake him up. Following her wake up call,Petra expressed her concerns to Subaru about whether the weather would get worse later in the afternoon as she planned to go shopping.
After Petra's departure,Subaru's daily routine started. He first visited the mansion's courtyard to find加菲尔and莱茵哈鲁特sparring. This was a daily occurrence for them as Garfiel aimed to grow stronger. Garfiel had been greatly affected by the events that had transpired back at the Sanctuary,and had struggled to keep the time of its liberation at bay as Subaru had tried to isolate him from the other villagers. In the end he could not avert Sanctuary's fate and he would have perished to the Great Rabbit,if Subaru and罗兹瓦尔hadn't saved him. This resulted in Garfiel being extremely belligerent towards Subaru,joining the Emilia camp only at his sister芙蕾德莉卡's request.
This time as well,Garfiel was defeated by Reinhard,and the former retired back to the mansion. Reinhard had been recruited over to the Emilia camp by Subaru after he used his Return by Death to eventually convince菲鲁特to abandon him,leaving Reinhard emotionally broken. After Reinhard retired back to the mansion as well,Echidna speaking to Subaru as thought-waves through his pendant tried to reassure him he had made the right choice.
Continuing with his daily routine,Subaru went to visit Beatrice who had holed herself up in a room rather reminiscent of her old forbidden library which had burned down in Roswaal's old mansion.碧翠丝had sunk into a deep depression as Subaru had torn her out of the library against her will during the events of Sanctuary. During his visit,Subaru tried to comfort her,but he was met by her scratching his face and neck. After leaving the imitation library,Subaru reflected on whether he had made the right choice back then,and wondered if he should have lied to her and said he was "That Person". Once again,Echidna tried to reassure him that he had made the right choice and said that with time she'd open up to him so that her emotional wounds could be healed.
As he continued to the next area of his daily routine,Subaru happened to come across Roswaal who was in high Spirit. The two had a brief discussion in which Roswaal affirmed that the two of them would mutually cooperate with each other to achieve their most cherished desires. Subaru,who wasn't all too happy with being used like this,begrudgingly continued on with this day.
Subaru made his way to the room which蕾姆was in. She was still comatose due to Gluttony's effect.拉姆was in the room on Roswaal's orders. She had been ordered to be extremely polite to Subaru,and had no real interest in her comatose sister. Subaru asked her to leave the room,which she did. Left alone with the comatose Rem,Subaru called for Echidna's help. He asked her to remind him what the ways to wake up Rem were. Echidna listed three reasons,but advised him to go for the last one which was to get the blood of the dragon by making Emilia king. Subaru pledged that no matter how many times he would die,he would wake Rem up.
Finally,Subaru arrived at the end of his daily routine,where he visited Emilia's room. Emilia was in a fragile mental state due to the fact that she couldn't surmount the trials back at the Sanctuary. She noticed Subaru's scratch marks and immediately realised they were from Beatrice. She lost control of herself and started to freeze the mansion. Subaru was able to luckily calm her down due to having practised his smile in the mirror earlier. After her outburst,Subaru told her to study for today and that he'd dine with her later. As he talked to Emilia,Echidna butted in and started to slander Emilia,continuing to do so even after Subaru left Emilia's room.
After dining with Emilia,Subaru had a flashback to when奥托left the Emilia camp one year ago. The flashback caused Subaru great distress,agonising about whether he had taken the optimum choices when he was Returning by Death. As he agonised over it,he found himself back at his room,where艾尔莎was awaiting him. Elsa had joined the Emilia camp after the events of Sanctuary and was currently entrusted with the mission of finding where Gluttony was at.
After some talk with Elsa,in which Subaru learnt that the latest location she had investigated turned out to also not have the Gluttony Archbishops,Subaru asked her what the weather was like beyond the forest. Confused by his question,Elsa replied that it looked fine. Subaru nodded and commanded her to kill him. Elsa was a bit confused by the question,but obliged,and lopped off Subaru's head.
Subaru returned by death not knowing which day he had returned to,realising his save point had changed. In a panic,he rushed to Echidna's dream world to find out what day it was. He eventually learnt from her that it was the 14th of Kissdam. Echidna realised that Subaru had used his ability to reset,and both of them steeled themselves knowing that trouble was brewing in the future that Subaru would have to confront. In addition to this,Echidna asked him why he had used his Return by Death,but Subaru declined to answer.
After leaving the dream world,Subaru was once again greeted by Petra. This time when she voiced her concerns about whether the weather would be fine for when she went shopping,Subaru reassured her and said it was. Petra found that reassuring,but asked him how he knew. Finally,Subaru answered the question by saying that it was because he had returned just for this,risking life and death.
Meanwhile,back at the dream world,Echidna was enjoying her tea reflecting on the events that had happened. She found herself fascinated by Subaru and his persistence,and declared that she'd give it her all to help Subaru protect the ones he cared about. Despite her spiel which was presented as her love of scorching flame,she voiced out a contradiction at the last: "Ah,even so—— Why does love always fade?"
2017年的愚人节,长月达平写了一篇被称为《Ayamatsu 》 — 傲慢线的故事。与主故事的分歧点是菜月·昴的第四次死亡回归,莱茵哈鲁特 从流氓三人组里救下他,并最终从艾尔莎收集拯救他。在这次的时间线里,莱茵哈鲁特没有出现,命运留给斯巴鲁的是死亡。在之后一次次失败的中斯巴鲁发现他唯一可以选择的道路—修正,并由于自己的骄傲,他决定不惜一切手段「拯救」艾米莉娅,使自己走上一条更黑暗的道路。
The beginning of the story begins at the prologue of the main story,and the descriptions are almost identical: Subaru is on the ground writhing in pain from an unforeseen attacker inside the Loot House. His stomach is bleeding out and he is trying to scream for Emilia to run,only for her to get cut down as well. Subaru hardens his resolve to save Emilia,"No matter what." Natsuki Subaru dies his first death.
The story skips forward to his 88th revival. As Subaru begins to form his next plan to save Emilia,阿顿,阿珍and阿汉attempt to rob Subaru once again. After fighting the three over and over again,Subaru easily learns how to kill them as efficiently as possible. Subaru leaves the alleyway and sees the familiar sight of Emilia chasing菲鲁特through the market. Subaru just stares at Emilia,lost in thought over her beauty. He once again promises to save Emilia from her fate.
Because Subaru never meets Reinhard,he finds it impossible to beat Elsa. He can't beat her through trial-and-error,no matter how many times he revives,and so this time Subaru's plan is to direct the Capital guards to Elsa in hopes that they will either kill her or keep her preoccupied away from Emilia. Elsa turns out to be way more of a beast than Subaru anticipates,and as just he's about to leave,莱茵哈鲁特arrives. As in the main timeline,Elsa is easily crushed and is forced to flee. Subaru's plan works,and his most hated enemy is on the run.
In a strange twist of fate,it's Subaru that ends up helping Elsa escape. Make no mistake,Subaru wants her dead,and Elsa can definitely sense his hatred. Despite not knowing his intent,Elsa is just fine to let Subaru lead the way. After bribing the local slum folk to misdirect the guards,the way is clear. The two make their way to Elsa's "little sister,"梅丽,who is waiting to tend to Elsa's wounds. From here on,Elsa and Subaru will continually make contact as allies. Subaru,who is covered in blood,heads over to the Loot house to find it frozen over. A local,who grows increasingly nervous around the disheveled Subaru,tells him that Felt and罗姆爷have been apprehended by the guards. He stands there,proud of his work as he is approached by a group of魔女教.
Two months go by,and Subaru is now associated with the魔女教. His next goal is to take down the Sin Archbishop of Sloth,培提尔其乌斯,and has died his 400th death in his effort. Despite having an end goal of killing him,Subaru forges a mild friendship with Petelgeuse and exchanges banter with him. After all,they both have obsessions with half-elves. Petelgeuse visits Subaru in his hideout in the middle of the露格尼卡wilderness and notifies him about the ongoing Royal Election,where Subaru learns about "Satella's" real name. This,of course,makes him even more crazy for Emilia.
Then Petelguese informs Subaru of the plot to abduct Emilia to use her to resurrect莎缇拉. Subaru,obviously not a fan,executes his own plan and stabs with a sword Petelgeuse,catching him completely off guard. Over the course of hundreds of years of retries,Subaru finally has a counter for everything,from the Unseen Hand to the Fingers. Even as Petelguese attempts to hijack Subaru's body,he reveals his contract with a minor unnamed fire Spirit,and with no other options left,Petelgeuse finally dies. Subaru meets with Meili,who has presumably been working alongside Elsa to eradicate Petelgeuse's Fingers. Subaru and Meili exchange somewhat cute dialogue and they leave.
The库珥修阵营launches the Second Great Expedition against the White Whale,and without Subaru's actions and intelligence,the Expedition is a complete disaster.库珥修and威尔海姆are erased from history,which is all good for Subaru,because his new goal is to make Emilia queen,and the death of one candidate is ok with him. Conversely,菲莉丝is mentally broken by the loss of Crusch,and it doesn't take much effort for Subaru to make him subservient. Also,Subaru is working with Roswaal,who foresaw Subaru's arrival in his witch gospel. With Roswaal's aid,all credit for Subaru's actions in eliminating the Witch Cult are shifted to Emilia making her popularity with the 露格尼卡 public explode exponentially.
In perhaps his only good act for the entire story,Subaru goes after雷古勒斯,who is the target in his crusade against the Witch Cult. With the help of Elsa and the minor fire Spirit,Subaru kills all of Regulus's wives by burning down his mansion,quickly disabling Regulus's authority. Elsa dismembers him until only his head and torso remains,and Regulus is left in complete shock at the thought of his wives betraying him. Subaru states the obvious,that all of them absolutely hated living as ammo for him and were happy to cooperate with Subaru's plan. Subaru then orders Elsa to throw Regulus into the fire to let him burn to death.
The Witch Cult aren't Subaru's only enemies,and we are reminded of that when he decides to murder尤里乌斯in a bar for no particular reason. For this deed,instead of Elsa or Meili,Subaru has 菲莉丝 do the killing. Julius looks on in horror as he sees one of his closest friends being ordered to kill,all while Subaru arrogantly monologues about the value of life. It is unknown what magic is used to kill Julius,but in the end,he dies of suffocation.奥托walks into the bar. In this timeline he is拉塞尔's debt slave. This depressed Otto works to clean up Subaru's messes,even though it's clear that he absolutely loathes what he is doing. He even intentionally refrains from giving Subaru his name just so he can't tack Otto onto his murderous deeds.
Over the course of time,Subaru works to wipe out the Witch Cult,and to force all the other Royal Candidates out of the election. As he is intentionally playing the role as the villain in order to make Emilia the hero,Subaru does what is expected of him and commits a few atrocities against Lugunican citizens along the way. He is somewhat surprised,yet proud at the relationships he's come to make along the way,from the murder-happy Meili to the mysterious Roswaal. Who ever would've thought that Elsa,Meili,Roswaal,菲莉丝,Otto,and a random fire Spirit would be the dream team,and who would've ever thought that,with the exception of Elsa and Meili,they would be so willing to commit mass murder?
- 注:这里提出的一个明显的问题是斯巴鲁对故事的影响到底有多大,而答案是「比我们想象的要大」。尽管斯巴鲁在前三章都是个白痴,但决定一切的是他的存在,不是蕾姆或者拉姆这样故事推动的力量,也不是像莱茵哈鲁特那样的超越世界观的力量。
With that,Subaru prepares to enact his final plot. His resolve to save Emilia is still in action,but now it is time to fight Reinhard.
露格尼卡 City is burning. Subaru's final plan to kill Reinhard is to make the public hate him,essentially killing "the Hero",and by having the citizens of 露格尼卡 watch as Reinhard is unable to do anything about Subaru's atrocities,it seems that his plan has succeeded. Something that isn't mentioned is拉姆's role in assisting Subaru. Because Rem dies even without Subaru's intervention as a result of Meili's demon beast,Ram is just as mentally damaged as 菲莉丝 and has no qualms about following Roswaal's order to burn down 露格尼卡.
Being as the Reinhard plan is pretty much a suicide mission,most of Subaru's associates are dead,probably at Reinhard's hands. When the story transitions again,Meili has just been cut down by Reinhard,an indicator at how far he's descended. Reinhard has no other goal but to be Subaru's judge,jury,and executioner. Subaru faces off with Reinhard and delivers boasts to him about thousands of times he's had to die to beat the unbeatable,and the thousands of times he's had to sacrifice others to achieve his goal.
Subaru begins to cry as he speaks,less over the remorse for sending millions to their deaths,and more over frustration at how unbeatable Reinhard is. Reinhard does not respond. He feels nothing for this crying wreck of a mass murderer,breaking down at how hard it is to kill. There is nothing more to be said,just action. Suddenly,Elsa,revealed to be still alive flies down and attacks from behind. Reinhard easily stops her blade in his palms.
Elsa experiences a flurry of emotions,looking down at Meili's corpse and looking up at Reinhard; all of them harden her resolve to save Subaru. With her final words,she tells Subaru that she enjoyed her time with him. Even if Subaru wanted her dead for a reason that may never be known,she still came to value,or dare say,love him. With that,she says her farewell.
As Subaru runs along the ruins of the burning city,he hears the shrieks and the wails of the citizens. He can take pride in himself that he,the villain,has killed the hero. He finds Meili's personal demon beast,the Guiltilaw,running about in the flames. A loyal pet as ever,Guiltilaw lifts Subaru up. With the hero dead,he only has one final goal in mind: to find the true hero who will take up the task that the old hero has failed to do. All of a sudden,multiple Huma ice pillars come flying towards Guiltilaw,and within seconds,the demon beast is dead. The real hero is here.
「—That's enough,villain.」
Emilia has another Huma cocked and loaded. Subaru can only once again stare and admire. He begins to casually talk to Emilia,even more casually than he does in the main story. Emilia,who has never met Subaru and has never spoken to him in this timeline is very obviously confused. He mentions帕克by name,which makes an even more confused yet determined Puck reveal himself.
Subaru tells her his true intention with the destruction of 露格尼卡,and that is to make her queen. In Emilia's eyes,all of his actions basically went unchallenged. Nobody,not even Reinhard even managed to touch him. He did it all for her.
With Emilia's realization of Subaru's true motive,he prepares to close his act. And so he declares:
「—My name is Natsuki Subaru.」
「—Witch Cult's Sin Archbishop of PRIDE,Natsuki Subaru!」
He charges Emilia(with no intent in harming her of course)and allows himself to be struck down. Emilia looks down on the wounded Subaru,while still confused and crying over what she has just heard.
Subaru is ok with it,as there is no way she can possibly understand. When Emilia asks "Why?," why he would commit so many acts of violence and murder for a person like her,Subaru briefly ponders what she wants him to answer. However,he only has one thing to say to her.
「—I love you.」
Subaru dies another death among a thousand. He is truly proud of his actions.
In the place he ends up after death,a certain being waits for him,though she is a being Subaru has not truly ever seen. She calls for him. Satisfied that he has finally "saved" Emilia,and with no more internal qualms,Subaru accepts the strangely familiar presence.
2018年的愚人节,长月达平写了一篇被称为《Oboreru》 — 愤怒之线的故事。这一次,分歧点发生在第二章,更具体地说是,在蕾姆死后。斯巴鲁没有跳下悬崖自杀,而是接受贝蒂的帮助被传送了出去。
The story takes place during the loop where蕾姆dies of the curse,or what would've been the 7th death loop. Ram goes after菜月·昴but he ends up surviving with Beatrice's help and runs. Ram eventually catches up to Subaru and attempts to strangle him,but collapses due to exhaustion and exposure. Subaru takes a rock and smashes her head in,beginning a long chain of violence perpetrated by him.
Two years pass. Due to the deaths of both his servants,coupled with the fact that艾米莉娅ended up refusing to participate in the royal election,罗兹瓦尔degenerates. The Spirit of Roswaal and his mansion is long gone. The few people in the mansion are芙蕾德莉卡,who works as the lone maid,Beatrice,Emilia,and of course Roswaal.
Subaru plots with帕克to get Emilia out of the mansion. He also has the help of塞西尔斯and赫鲁贝尔as his subordinates and well as various others. Cecils cuts down Roswaal while Subaru personally kills Beatrice with a dagger after convincing her that he is her 「liberator」. Frederica attempts to fight Puck and fails. However,the crew ends up sparing her and they take her back to have her work as a maid.
「Purge King」 Subaru becomes an underworld boss of the brutal crime organization,Pleiades,with a base at the edge of the卡拉拉基border known as Pandemonium. Anywho decide to oppose them are simply killed off with little regard for consequences. Subaru even takes it upon himself to decide who lives and who dies based on the flip of a coin,very literally holding the fate of his fellow men in his hands,much like a...purging king. Or a district attorney with horrific burns on half his face. Meanwhile,Emilia lives in a heavily guarded room with Puck.
Eventually,the sage council in露格尼卡discovers that Subaru is responsible for the death of Roswaal,so they send the Sword Saint莱茵哈鲁特joined with a group of what are presumably王国骑士团to take out the 「Purge King」. They plan to use the merchant奥托to disguise their attack as a business deal.
Reinhard attacks their base but is unable to reach Subaru. As Subaru already knows what danger Reinhard poses to him,Subaru keeps his best defenses(the core of which is Cecils and Halibel themselves)close to himself and the throne. Halibel escapes with Subaru and Cecils fights Reinhard. Cecils personally seeks to achieve the "heavenly sword",believing that defeating Reinhard is the way to it,and doesn't listen when the latter reminds him that《王选前日谭 流血的帝国外交》. Reinhard unsheathes his Dragon Sword Reid,finding Cecils to be a worthy opponent. They acknowledge each other,and then they trade blows.
Halibel and Subaru attempt to flee as their world actually collapses around them due to the battle between Reinhard and Cecils destroying Pandemonium. As they’re all running,Frederica attempts to assassinate Subaru,though she fails. Subaru decides to spare her regardless(she's also implied to be the one who sold them out,but he doesn't care as someone else would've done it if she hadn't). He quickly shows her Ram's finger marks still left on his neck,and then he orders Halibel to take her and run. After that,Subaru is stabbed by Otto.
Elsewhere,Emilia decides to leaves her room with Puck and encounters Reinhard,who has won the battle but is heavily wounded. Despite hearing that Subaru is responsible for ordering the deaths of over one hundred twenty-six thousand people(
Subaru runs back to his office where there is a secret room behind a bookcase where he has Ram chained up,who is revealed to still be alive. Once inside,he finally allows her to kill him,essentially committing suicide. He lays down to let her strangle him,much as she tried to do before it all began.
Diverging from midway through Arc 6,after菜月·昴decided to enact his plan to find out who his old self,"Natsuki Subaru" was by reading everyone's books of the dead,Subaru found himself in a remote region in Northern 露格尼卡 after slaughtering a multitude of people who knew him on his journey to cobble the pieces of himself back together. In this remote region,菜月·昴kept repeating a question to Amue Sears(アミュー·シアーズ). He kept repeating "Hey,do you know my name?" to her. After some deliberation,the frightened young girl who was 14 years of age answered she didn't. Subaru,who was implied to have killed everyone else in her village,let her live.
Far prior to this event,Subaru stopped at the side of the main road to have lunch with艾米莉娅,碧翠丝,拉姆,尤里乌斯and梅丽whom he had murdered back at the tower,and now appear as vivid hallucinations that speak to him quite friendly. After some lighthearted discussion with them about the perks of mayonnaise,all those individuals freeze in time,and fade from sight. In fact,Subaru only has one companion with him along the road,and that is夏乌拉.
As the two of them continue their journey down the main road,they meet雷金. After having realised that 雷金 knew the old "Natsuki Subaru",Subaru stopped to talk to him. 雷金 quickly realised that something was quite off with Subaru and suggested they go back to his veterinary to check if he was feeling okay. Subaru replied that he was feeling okay,though he asked if the people in the village knew him,After receiving that confirmation,Subaru commanded Shaula to kill him. She used her Hell's Snipe ability to burn off 雷金's head,killing him instantly. After they hid his corpse,Subaru returned back to the贤者塔to read his book of the dead.
Meanwhile,a short time after this,「人工精灵」艾奇多娜,who had been allowed to escape from the tower by Subaru,made it back to Priestella. She revealed to the members present there that she was not安娜斯塔西娅anymore,and what had transpired back at the tower. Some of the members hearing this report don't believe her,but most of them do. After this,Echidna went to talk to里卡多,who now had a metal claw-like appendage in place of his lost arm,about her future,and how she would stop impersonating Anastasia. As they talked,the city of Priestella was flooded by Subaru and both of them perished.
After the watergates were opened in Priestella,奥托and加菲尔both survived the initial flooding. Suddenly,beams of light poured down upon them. With great difficulty,Garfiel managed to deflect them with his shields. Subaru finally arrived at the scene,and confronted the two,and had Shaula kill Garfiel,despite the latter still not believing that his former master had gone insane.
Otto is quick to understand what had happened,and tried to distract Subaru by telling him he should have sprung a surprise attack on莱茵哈鲁特first. Subaru shook his head at that notion and said that the reason he had flooded Priestella was to kill Otto himself. Everyone else was just a bonus. Subaru understood that it would take immaculate planning to even stand a chance at defeating Reinhard. As if affirming that,the hallucinations of some of the people he had killed affirmed Subaru's plan to himself,naming Otto as the most troublesome one. After that,Otto is killed by Shaula.
Shortly after Otto's death,Reinhard confronted Subaru and gloomily asked why he was doing this. Shaula immediately commented that Reinhard gave a very雷德-like impression,grasping his immense strength immediately. Subaru had come planned for this confrontation however,and he got Shaula to cast one of her Hell's Snipe towards the shelter which Felt was staying at. This allowed Shaula to pick Subaru up and escape with him from Priestella.
Later on,after having once again visited the Pleiades Tower to read everyone he had killed's books of the dead,Subaru continued with his journey to cobble himself together to get back the old "Natsuki Subaru".
Returning back to the events after Subaru had left Amyu alive,Reinhard found the girl alive and well,though shaken. Amyu had been left behind by Subaru to delay Reinhard,who was following his trail.
Meanwhile,Subaru was talking elsewhere with Shaula. He mentioned that eventually he will have to kill Reinhard or it would be impossible to cobble himself back together. And finally,after Reinhard would be killed,Shaula would have to be the last one to die. Shaula was extremely happy to hear her master say she'd be the last one to die,taking it almost like an "I love you". Subaru was surprised at her loyalty,and asked her why she kept on doing his bidding despite knowing she'd die,and she simply replied that it was because she loved her master. Subaru's plan was that after he gathered together all the pieces,he would die and fix things with everyone after he Returned by Death and got back his old self.
The scene ended on a reflection that the pieces that would need to be cobbled together were too many,and that even if he pieced them all back together his new form would not really understand his original one.
不同于其他假设线(What IF),《Sloth》 — 怠惰线(蕾姆线)被改编成了一部完整的小说。在拉姆和蕾姆的生日上,作者有时候会发布一篇假设线续篇。蕾姆线故事依据主线故事的连续性分为两个主要故事,一个web版小说第三章十年之后菜月一家人的的故事,令一个是依据官方轻小说《 Re: IF》的设定,立即逃离露格尼卡的故事。
有关详细信息,请参阅《Re: IF》
- 在2014年愚人节,作者写了《Lust》 — 色欲线故事
蝴蝶之梦 (胡蝶之夢)。 - 蝴蝶之梦是假设线中删除的第一篇,也是网站上删除的第一篇。
Oboreru 愤怒[]
- Despite not being shown,Subaru did in fact use Return by Death quite frequently. He had to repeat timelines in various unmentioned situation. Saving Ram from dying of Mana poisoning,gaining Halibel's trust and discovering Cecils' goal all required excessive amounts of death and suffering on his part. Ironically,some of his deaths would include suicides,despite the point of divergence being his unwillingness to commit suicide in Arc 2.
- Halibel joined Subaru's side to repay his actions in resolving a particular issue concerning the Four Great Spirit in卡拉拉基of which Subaru died many times. After that,Subaru established a power base in eastern Kararagi,building the Pandemonium where he and his subordinates remained situated for the next 2-3 years.
- After Subaru managed to recruit Halibel,he set his goal on Cecils. Needing a counter for Reinhard,he would die plenty before finally succeeding in recruiting him. Eventually,the文森特would order Cecils to play the role of a double agent. Personally,Cecils stood at Subaru's side in order to secure himself another battle with Reinhard. Despite common belief,Cecils actually survived the battle with Reinhard. After the latter broke both of his katanas,Cecils fled to live another day.
- According to the author,there is a high chance that after Subaru's death,Emilia eventually found Ram kneeling over his body and proceeded to dispose of her in a fit of rage and sadness.
- Both Puck and Halibel died fighting against heavily wounded Reinhard.
- Crusch Camp suffered the exact same fate as in Ayamatsu.
- As Emilia was absent for the entirety of the Royal Selections,the Witch Cult remained inactive in Oboreru.
- Due to the Purge King's activity,the Four Great Countries were forced to make an exception to the "Reinhard Law" and send him to Pandemonium. He's also confirmed to have survived the incident.
- The scene with Ram strangling Subaru happened somewhere along the Lugunican Kingdom's border with the古斯提科.
- Oboreru is said to last no less than 3 years.
Ayamatsu 傲慢[]
- Subaru was unable to use any other Authority besides Return by Death.
- He also owned his own house,as a Witch Cultist.
- Without Subaru's help,Crusch and her subordinates got annihilated in a fight against the White Whale. 菲莉丝 was the only survivor but due to Crusch's erasure from existence along with her memories,he broke and was unable to continue living normally. At the end,he developed a special one-sided bond with Subaru and stayed with him until his demise in the Great Fire.
- It is unknown how many times Regulus killed Subaru.
- The author stated that Petelgeuse was the only person in Ayamatsu who successfully invoked a friendship with Subaru. He also stated Petelgeuse was most likely the hardest Sin Archbishop for Subaru to take care of.
- Strangely enough,Priscilla and her subordinates all mysteriously disappeared without a trace.
- Due to White Whale erasing both Crusch and Wilhelm,Reinhard's relationship with亨克尔improved. Unfortunately,Heinkel,Rom and Felt would all perish during Subaru's attack and burning of the capital.
- According to the Author,both Reinhard and Elsa were happier in Ayamatsu than in the main route.
- Arlam Village was destroyed in arc 2 and all it's inhabitants were killed.
- Rem died during the 2nd arc.
Tsugihagu 暴食[]
- Subaru's hair turned white due to the stress and shock of experiencing Beatrice's Book of the Dead. His loss of vision in his left eye occurred after he hit his head on the Tower's walls.
- According to Tappei,Otto would likely think of a unimaginable countermeasure for Subaru's attack,so he was the most important obstacle in Subaru's plan.
- Tappei stated he's fond of Amue Sears. He also said he'll most likely introduce her in the main story as well.
- Out of the Royal Selection Candidates,Anastasia camp was completely wiped out(including the members of the铁之牙),Crusch was sent back to her mansion leaving only 菲莉丝 behind who drowned but later managed to revive himself with his ability,Felt camp's only victim was Rom and Priscilla camp left the city prematurely so she didn't suffer any loses. It's also worth mentioning that the Selection is expected to be a one-on-one fight between Priscilla and Felt camp however,due to Rom's death,Felt lost the motivation to continue,leaving Priscilla as the winner of the Royal Selections.
- 莱伊and罗伊were defeated by雷德,leaving卡佩拉the only "free" Sin Archbishop. Due to the danger Shaula and Subaru presented,she wisely kept her distance,unknowing that she was on Subaru's kill list.
- Due to Reinhard's guilt for allowing his friend to fall so deep into the darkness,he began funding and supporting the victims of Subaru's death marches,unintentionally elevating his title as a hero.
- At the end,Subaru never said the words Shaula wanted to hear the most.
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