姆斯佩尔被指没有目的、语言或者思想,仅仅是一个神话的存在。According to records, Muspel moves on a grand scale every 12 years, leading to various earthquakes after its movement.[1]
Some time around the events of Vollachia's most recent Imperial Selection Ceremony, Vincent Abellux found a method to trap Muspel within his territory. By using Muspel's power, he was able to repel the attacks against his castle ordered by one of his younger half-sisters, Lamia Godwin. Later on, when Prisca's life was in danger due to Lamia's artillery, Arakiya devoured a small portion of Muspel in order to defend her princess.
- According to Fene in Re:Zero Forbidden Book and the Mysterious Spirit, Muspel's abode is located in the Gairahal Tropics.